Page 8 of The Villain

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My words choked and nothing came out. Talia, though, mate that she was, was right there. “Daphne and I are having a private conversation, so if you don’t mind…”

Massimo scowled at her. His earlier smile had slid off like a mask, and the scowl replaced it. One that sent a shiver up my spine and put me into fight or flight mode.

The bartender, who was a friend of Talia’s, leaned over to speak to her, and Talia flirted with him shamelessly. Satisfied she at least had someone other than Massimo to speak to, I tried to buy myself a reprieve. “I—if you'll excuse me for a moment."

I pushed away from the table, but Massimo grabbed my elbow. "Hurry back. I'm looking forward to talking to you."

A shiver of fear ran down my spine, and I had to force myself to swallow bile at the back of my throat.

I walked blindly toward the loo, and sure, maybe I wasn't looking where I was going, but I hadn't expected to crash into a wall of muscle. Strong hands grabbed my biceps and held me before I bounced back. "Easy does it."

My eyes darted up and, well, my brain shorted out.

This really must have been what people meant when they said stupid hot. When the other person was so insanely attractive that they made you instantly stupid and incapable of stringing together a coherent thought.

I registered that he was tall, at least six foot four. Inky dark hair that looked thick and soft. Long on top and short on the sides, either artfully styled with gel or he'd spent an unusual amount of time running his hands through it.

It was all topped off with bright blue eyes, cheekbones and a jawline that looked like they had been sculpted by the gods, and a smile that made my tongue freeze.

I honestly couldn't work out how to put the words together.

"Are you all right?"

I stammered, "Um, sorry. I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying attention and I… There's this guy and…"

He narrowed his eyes and gazed somewhere beyond me. "Trying to avoid someone?"

I glanced over my shoulder. "Like you wouldn't believe."

His bright blue gaze rested on my eyes, and heat pooled in my stomach. Seriously, this guy should come with a warning label and caution tape.

"I've got an idea how to shake him, but you probably won't like it."

I turned to see Massimo standing up and looking in our general direction. "At this point, I'd accept any kind of rescue."

Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Henry-Cavill frowned. "Are you sure about that?"

I looked back nervously. "Oh, I'm sure."

Then, with a wry grin, he pulled me close, his woodsy, spicy scent overwhelming my senses. His warmth enveloped me, making me feel safe and protected. He smiled, the promise of wicked sin in his expression. And then he kissed me.



And this was where I made my mistake. An error in calculation. Yes, I was supposed to set the trap, but was I supposed to enjoy it?

Her lips were so damn soft. One brush and I felt myself being drawn in. Sucked in.

It wasn't just her beauty. It was about her essence. This woman I'd been watching for weeks.

If I was the good guy, I would have backed off and put the plan aside because using someone who was already scared as bait was a bad idea. They were likely to get hurt. Then I would have that on my conscience.

Good thing I didn't have one. Besides, whatever she'd done to get on his radar, that was why she was here. And that was why I was going to use her to get my fucking life back.

I slid my hand up her back to cradle her neck, pulling her closer and angling her head just the way I liked it. She was smaller than me. Maybe five foot six or seven. It was hard to tell because she was wearing high heels, but I still towered over her.

I deliberately turned my body so that more of my back was to the front of the restaurant. Massimo would only be able to see part of my profile but all of hers. I took the risk that he would come closer. That he would try to make me stop kissing her, stop touching what he thought was his.
