Page 10 of The Villain

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And that's why you shouldn't sleep with your boss.

To be fair, he wasn't my boss when we started dating. He was one level above me and I hadn't been rolled under him yet.

Hehehe. You said under him.

My inner twelve-year-old diva had a field day with me.

Between Talia’s barrage of messages this morning, asking lots of questions to find out more details about last night's hot guy, and Christopher darkening my door first thing at work, it had been quite a day.

I'd slept like shit. My mind had been plagued by thoughts of a man I didn't even know. Like, who the hell was that bloke? Last night, I'd returned to the table to a shocked Talia and thankfully no Massimo. Apparently he'd had a work emergency.

For shame.

Talia had drilled me and then congratulated me on picking the fittest bloke in the bar to snog. She’d thought I was brave and taken my fate in my own hands.

I didn’t have the heart to tell her I’d been rescued.

Like a coward.

Kissing a stranger in a bar. It wasn't me. Not bothering to find out said stranger's name? Not me either.

Obsessing over his lips and the way he'd touched me and why I was more aroused by his kiss than I'd ever been with Christopher… Well, okay, that seemed like me.

No sleep meant that today would require every ounce of patience I had. Every last ounce.

But here Christopher was basically being a moody little twat. Today's complaint was that my clients were showing favoritism. There was no policy against clients showing their appreciation with appropriate gifts like dinner or something. But Christopher hated that.

Haruto Tanashi was particularly appreciative of my work on his account and sent me a case of Lagavulin.

"It sets a bad precedent,” Christopher complained. “It's inappropriate."

I looked up at him as I continued typing. I had to get a status report out by 10:00 a.m., and his blathering was not going to stop me.

"What is?" I asked, playing dumb.

"A client can't send you a case of expensive scotch. You don't even like scotch."

I raised my eyebrows. "Who says I don't?"

His brow furrowed. "You refused to drink it with me."

"That was then. This is the new me." For the good stuff, I could learn to appreciate it. I stopped typing. "Is there anything you really need? I had a long night, and I'm very busy."

His eyebrows raised. "Why the hell was it a long night?"

"Pretty sure that falls into the none-of-your-business category."

He furrowed his brow. "Wow, your attitude leaves a lot to be desired, Winslow."

Cocking my head, I said, "And by attitude, do you mean reminding you that my personal business isn't fodder for office gossip? Perhaps this is a matter I should discuss with HR."

His jaw ticked. I had him there. He cleared his throat as he rocked onto the balls of his feet. "I've got a new client for you."

I shook my head. "No. We've talked about this, Christopher. I'm already overworked. I don't have enough developers on my team. And the ones I do have are taxed. If you want to give me a new client, you'll have to take two away. And of my eight clients, six are already in development and two are in the pre-work phase. Plus, these clients love me and I'm actually excited to be working with them."

One of them was a new charitable foundation by Adeline Lasso, a huge West End actress who had just been cast in the latest sci-fi epic. She was literally the coolest client I had, and I had pitched her hard.

Christopher grinned at me. "Well, I guess I'll have to manage Adeline Lasso myself."
