Page 64 of The Villain

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He kissed me again, deep this time. His mouth, tongue, and teeth an onslaught to my senses. One hand wrestled with my tank until he finally gripped it down the middle and tugged, the sound of ripping fabric filling the room.

He palmed one breast, moaning into my mouth as his thumb and forefinger found my nipple. With each tug, I arched my back, begging him to take more.

His other hand tangled in my hair, and I opened my thighs wider as he pressed up against me.

His mouth left mine and trailed slowly down my neck and chest, stopping to suck and pull at my nipples. His hand left my breast and traveled down, resting at the top of my thigh before slipping downward.

His fingers brushed against my clit, and I gasped at the sensation. His tongue lashed against my nipple as he teased me, and I shuddered, moaning his name. And then he stopped, pulling away with a smirk.

"You like this, don't you? Your tits are so bloody sensitive. I bet you can come just from me teasing them, can't you?"

How did I even explain that I'd only ever been like this for him. "N-no. Just for you."

"Say it again, hell cat," he breathed, honey dripping from his words.

I pinched my eyes shut, and I said it. "Just for you."

He growled, the sound sending a thrill of pleasure through my body. "Eyes open."

I blinked, meeting his gaze, the intensity of it searing me to my soul. He used his knee to nudge my thighs further apart, and when I was splayed before him, he dropped his forehead to mine. "Be sure, Daphne."

I swallowed hard and lifted my hips, seeking his heat.

"Fuck me," he whispered, taking my hands into one of his and securing them above my head firmly.

He rocked his hips, the tip of his cock grazing my entrance. "You feel so damn good." I gasped, my body arching at the sensation as he pushed the tip inside me.

Christ, he was thick. So big.

I squeezed my eyes shut and he halted.

"Eyes open," he commanded, the intensity in his voice causing my eyes to snap open. Our gazes met, and he thrust hard, taking me entirely. I moaned as he filled me, deepening the connection between us. His hands grasped my hips, kneading and demanding, pushing and pulling me against him as his hips moved

I mewled, my legs shaking as he delved deeper, inch after inch. And then he was fully seated inside me, and I was panting.

His eyes were silver in the moonlight, glittering with intensity, and then he moved. Long, slow thrusts that filled me up, stealing my breath. I dug my nails into his back as I wrapped my legs around him, desperate to hold on.

He started slow, his thrusts measured and gentle at first, but when I squeezed him with my inner walls, he shoved a hand into my curls, tugging my head back. "Naughty thing. No trying to make me come too quick."

Then he increased his pace, and soon our hips were slapping together in a frenzied rhythm. With each thrust, he sucked my lower lip, then nipped at my jawline or my neck before coming back around to claim my mouth.

He whispered dirty things against my lips as his hips pumped faster and faster. "Come for me, baby. Take my cock like a good girl."

I gasped. I knew he was close, and I wanted to make it good for him. I tightened my grip on him and pushed my hips, grinding against him. His movements became even more frenzied, and I heard the low rumble of pleasure he was trying desperately to contain.

My body was on fire, and I was oh so close, each thrust pushing me to the peak of pleasure. It felt so good, and I wanted it to never end.

"Say my name," he commanded, and I screamed it as I tumbled over the edge. My inner walls clenched around him as I shuddered, my body racked with pleasure. He was close, his movements becoming erratic as his orgasm grew. His grip on my hips tightened, and he murmured my name as he drove deep.

And then with one more thrust, his body went rigid as he came, filling me with jets of his hot cum. He shuddered and collapsed on top of me, our mutual panting filling the room.

He rolled us both over before kissing me softly and easing out of me. I hissed at the friction, and he frowned. "I'll be right back, kitten."

I dragged the sheets around my naked body, too exhausted to think about any ramifications right now. I'd save that for the morning, but right now, I was too sated to worry.

When Drake returned, he had two washcloths. "Drop the sheet, kitten."

I hesitated, but he didn't bother to wait for me to catch on, tugging at linens. "There is no universe in which we don't do that again. And next time, I'll take more time, so I'm going to see every inch of you. No point in covering up."
