Page 63 of The Villain

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"Fuck, baby, every time you whimper like that, all I want to do is bury myself to the hilt."

Jesus Christ, that was all I wanted too. His hands were on my hair again. I could tell that he liked it. His fingers kept playing with my curls gently.

"Fucking hell, Daphne," he hissed.

His hips ground against mine as I whimpered in pleasure, my body begging for more. His hands roughly tugged down my tank top, revealing my breasts to him. "Your tits are so damn perfect," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "I don’t know what I want first, to suck them or fuck them."

His words were raw. Dirty. And the hoarse cement texture of his voice told me he was desperate. Bracing himself over me with one arm, he palmed my right breast with his big hand and then hovered over my nipple with his mouth. "I have been dreaming about your tits since I first saw you. I know I'm not supposed to say that, but fuck…"

He teased me, gently blowing on my flesh. Too impatient to let him take his time, I pulled him to me, and he chuckled as he wrapped his lips around me. When he sucked me deep, my back bowed again.

His teeth grazed the tip of my nipple before soothing it with gentle strokes from his tongue. I was panting, clawing at his back, the sensation of pleasure and pain building to a fever pitch within me. His mouth opened wide, engulfing me and stabbing my flesh with the heat of it. I squirmed, but he held me firmly in place as his mouth branded me.

As the pleasure peaked, he pulled back, licking his lips as he moved back up the plane of my body. His gaze burned with passion, and his voice was husky as he whispered, "God, I'm going to make you come so hard you'll forget your own name."

I couldn't get any words out as he began to stroke his fingers over my slick heat. His thumb pressed deep, pushing against my g-spot as he curled his fingers, his other hand gently taunting my clit. His eyes never left mine as he explored and found my most sensitive spots. My whole body flushed with pleasure as he moved faster and faster, pushing deep and then withdrawing, teasing and caressing until I was about to go over the edge.

"Come, Daphne."

His voice was deep and demanding, and his hands never stopped their relentless movement. His tongue flicked over my nipples, licking up the sweat on my chest before he slammed into me with two fingers, pushing up inside me as far as he could go. I screamed, the pleasure too much, and then he began to thrust in and out, driving me closer and closer to the edge.

"Take it, baby. Take it like a good girl."

I shuddered, my fingers digging into the sheets, my body shaking, and then I exploded, my orgasm tearing through me, wave after wave of pleasure crashing over me. I felt lost, my vision blurring, my skin on fire as I rode the waves of pleasure. And when it was finally over, I was spent and boneless.

He pulled his fingers from me, and then he was above me again, pressing the fingers he'd used against my parted lips. "Suck, Daphne."

I complied tentatively, tasting myself on his fingers and licking them clean. His growl of approval vibrated through me.

Finally, he pulled his fingers away and his lips were on mine again, consuming me as his hips rocked against me.

When he tore his lips from mine and hissed along my jaw, he murmured, "You are so beautiful." With a groan, he buried his face in my neck. "Go back to sleep, Daphne."

I jerked back to stare at him. "What?"

He licked his lips and shook his head. "I only have so much control. Go back to sleep."

I frowned, not understanding. "Y-you don't want me?"

Drake threw an arm over his eyes. "Woman, you can see how much I want you. The evidence has been poking against that perfect peach of an arse half the night. I have been entertaining every dirty, filthy fantasy I can muster. But even I'm not that much of an arsehole. We can't."

"So you're going to get me off, then just roll over?"

With a heavy sigh, he muttered. "That's the general idea. I'm not what you need. You need lovemaking. And right the fuck now, I lack the control to be gentle. Not to mention, I didn't anticipate this, so I don’t have any condoms."

I should be relieved. The whole situation was insane, but the truth was I wanted him. I had from the first kiss.

I cleared my throat, stalling for time. "And if I'm not asking for gentle?”

Ever so slowly, he removed his arm, turning to face me. His gaze was intent and his voice low when he asked, "What are you saying, Daphne? Are you asking me to fuck you?"

I talked about being brave all the time, but I was hiding from my life. Sometimes afraid to take what I wanted. I knew it was now or never. "Yes, I want you to fuck me. And I'm on the pill."

I could barely believe those words had come out of my mouth, but it had been a long time since I had felt so alive.

"Then let me give you what you need," he said, his voice dark and hypnotic. His hands grabbed my hips, and I felt the warmth of his breath as he leaned forward to press his lips against mine. His tongue slid in possessively, stealing my breath. I moaned as he deepened the kiss.

"You will feel every thrust and every touch," he murmured. "I won't stop until you scream my name."
