Page 65 of The Villain

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Narrowing my gaze, I loosened the sheet. "We'll be doing this again?"

His eyes darkened when they met mine. "Yes. Because not only are you mine to protect, you're mine now."

He eased one of the washcloths against my pussy, gently wiping away the sticky mess he'd left, the warmth of the cloth soothing the sting.

"You licked me, so now I'm yours?" I giggled.

"Something like that."

He tossed one of the washcloths onto the night stand.

"What's the other one for?" I asked.

His smile was crooked as he forced my thighs apart once more, placing a cool cloth against my aching core.


When he eased between my thighs again, I watched him dubiously. "What are you doing?"

"Making sure the last thing you remember about our first time together is pleasure." Then he shifted the washcloth and planted his lips over my clit… and sucked.



I couldn’t wipe the shit-eating grin off my face. I'd left Daphne in the shower and come down to scrounge up some breakfast for her.

But it seemed I wasn’t early enough.

"Judging from all that creaking last night, I assume you two overcame your differences?"

I whipped around from the stove. “Jesus, old man, you have the reflexes of a cat and the feet of a ninja. Also, I don't kiss and tell, Reginald."

He drank his coffee and smirked at me. "And lucky for me, I like long walks."

I smirked and shook my head. "It was unexpected."

He gave me a nonchalant shrug. "Hey, I don't judge. I'm glad you two have come to an understanding."

"Yeah, well, I'm still determined to keep her safe."

He took another slow sip of his tea. "Do you have a more concrete plan for Massimo?"

I flipped the eggs and turned to him. "Daphne and I were talking, I think he’s been after her because of her job primarily. I think she has access to data he needs. The only way to know for sure is to get that ledger. He needs her. I can draw him out, but I want insurance for her first."

He sighed. "So tomorrow is still on then?"

He hated the idea of me going into the field without back up. "Yeah. I want you to keep an eye on Daphne, while I follow my hunch. If I don’t come back in forty-eight hours, execute pinnacle protocol." Pinnacle protocol was a whole background work up complete with false ID’s, bank accounts, etc. I had that contingency for her in case I fucked up and failed.

"I will guard your treasure with my life. You know, there was a time when I was just like you."

"Oh, really? You haven't always been this overbearing, too strict, fatherly type?"

"Lad, there's no being too strict with you. You just looked for trouble all the time."

"Yeah, I was a slippery little cunt, wasn't I?" I chuckled.

"Yes. You are also a damn good son."
