Page 11 of The Villain

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That arsehole. He'd been miffed when he'd been overlooked by the client. "That's such bullshit. She wanted me. When our managing partner, Paul Jacobson, showed her our portfolios and gave her the options, she personally chose me."

"I think you forget that I, as your manager, can dictate your workload. If you tell me that nine clients is too many and I need to remove two in order for you to be effective at your job, then my job is to make that happen for you."

"Or your job is to just go over to Adam and give him the new client," I said through clenched teeth.

Christopher shrugged. “Well, for your information, Adam is also booked.”

"There are several junior account managers who could probably handle a new client,” I said. “Let one of them work under your direction as the senior account manager.”

But no matter what I said, Christopher still wanted what he wanted the way he wanted it. And that meant regardless of what was going on with me, regardless of what was good for the company, I was going to get this new client and he was going to torture me with the extra hours.

"Your new client is Drake Foster. He's a venture capitalist. He's looking for a CRM solution for a new company he's setting up that will be more on the philanthropic side."

"You mean I can't say no?"

He grinned. And looking at him now, with his pale gray eyes and his too greasy, too floppy hair, I wondered what on earth I ever saw in him. Honestly, what was I thinking? Just thinking about the kiss last night. The way, that man had pulled back ever so slightly and smiled against my lips before diving in for the kind of kiss that made my lady parts sit up and sing. In comparison kissing Christopher had been like playing spin the bottle with amateurs at church camp.

"No. You don't have a choice, and I should probably mention that he's here."

My eyes went wide. "What the hell do you mean, he's here?"

"I mean he's in reception. Sorry, I should have mentioned that."

"You're such an arsehole," I muttered.

“You’d better watch that attitude,” he said bitterly.

I raised my eyebrows. “I've been here longer than you, and you can't demote me. At least not without management's input."

"I can for lack of performance. It's only a matter of time."

There was a shadow on the other side of my door, and I knew there was no way I was prepared for this. I didn't have a pitch deck ready.

You can use Tanashi's.

It was my last one. With some quick edits it could be ready.

Game face. I could do that.

But this was bullshit. It was clear Christopher had it out for me. It wouldn't be the worst idea I'd ever had to start tidying up my CV.

The problem was that I didn't want to change companies until I'd made it to senior account manager. At that point, the salary at my next job would be an exponential jump, instead of a lateral move. And it would take me years to build accounts and credibility in a new place.

Christopher smirked at me. "Maybe next time you'll dress more professionally for work."

I glanced down mournfully at my bright yellow V-necked sundress. It was perfectly appropriate for work, but it wasn't something I'd normally wear to meet a new client.

"Are you kidding me? Dare I ask you how long you've known about this meeting?"

He grinned at me. The contempt and malice in his smile was evident at the corners of his lips. He looked like the bloody Joker. "Since last week. Couldn't wait to spring it on you."

Suddenly there was a voice from the doorway as it began to open. "I guess my arrival is causing a bit of a stir."

Heat prickled my skin and the fine hairs on my arms stood at attention.

That voice.

Low and mellow with just enough gravel to make my lady parts sing as I thought about last night’s kiss.
