Page 12 of The Villain

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No. No. Absolutely not. There was no way this was happening. Not to me. No.

I closed my eyes, determined to close them so tightly that when I opened them again, the man in front of me would not be who I saw.

Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, there he was. Still standing there. Looking just as handsome as he had last night when he'd kissed me.

As if that was just a kiss. That was some earth-shattering shit.

What the hell was he doing here? And why hadn't the ground opened up to swallow me? This was such bullshit.

It was only after several moments that I realized that Mr. Tall-Dark-and-I-Look-Like-I-Fuck-How-I-Kiss was talking to Christopher. They had said many words that I had missed.

I shook myself back to the present and tried to pick up the thread of the conversation. Fortunately, it sounded like Christopher was giving him the rundown on how I would give him everything he needed.

Mr. Tall-Dark-and-I-Look-Like-I-Fuck-How-I-Kiss leveled his gaze on me. "I am 100% confident in Miss Winslow's abilities."

Thankfully, this seemed to irritate Christopher, which irritated Tall-Dark-and-I-Look-Like-I-Fuck-How-I-Kiss.

Which we cannot think about right now because we have to be professional. Professional customer face.

I plastered on a smile. "Mr. Foster, although I did not expect us to work together, I can absolutely take care of all your needs." He smirked and I wanted to kick myself. Why the hell did I have to say it like that?

"As I said, I have no doubt." He turned to Christopher. "Mr. Cable, if you will excuse us, I should probably get to know my account manager."

Christopher raised his eyebrows. "Well, it's customary for me to take you out, tell you about the company, get to know you, and let you know how we all work together."

Drake narrowed his eyes. "All I need is Miss Winslow."

That shouldn't have made something deep in my stomach tighten with heat, but it did. I squeezed my thighs together, trying to ward off the pulsing throb between my legs. It was the last thing in the world I needed. What I needed was to forget everything that had happened last night.

When Christopher finally got the hint, Drake turned to me. "Wow, this is awkward."

I winced. "It doesn't have to be awkward. As far as we are concerned, the Daphne Winslow you see this morning is not the woman you met last night."

He cocked his head. "What if I told you that I happen to like the woman I met last night? Matter of fact, I woke up thinking about that woman and how she tasted. Made me wonder if she’d taste that sweet all over."

Holyfuckingshit. Not what I needed to hear at all. Why couldn't he be professional and just pretend it hadn't happened? After all, wasn’t that the right thing to do?

"The woman you met last night didn't know you were her new client, and if she had, the woman you met last night would never have kissed you. So maybe we can just focus on working together and not talk about it. Never bring it up."

He lifted his eyebrows. "Is that really what you want?"

Somehow it felt like a trick question.

"Yes, that's what I want."

The heat instantly vanished from his gaze. The transformation was so swift I could almost feel the chill of the draft. "Good. Let's get to work then, shall we?"

I quickly finished typing and sent off my status report. Then I grabbed my laptop to join him on the couch in my office. He waited for me to sit down before choosing his position, which was a little too close if you asked me.

I could smell his cologne, something slightly musky with a woodsy scent. Enticing, with just enough spice to draw me in. I didn’t know how long I sat there trying not to sniff him, but he grinned at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Something wrong?"

I pursed my lips as something occurred to me. "Did you know who I was last night?"

Something flashed in his eyes at that moment. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. How could he know who I was?

"I knew of you. You worked on a campaign last year for Blythe Industries and their giving plan. Thomas Blythe sang your praises, and that's how I knew to ask for you."
