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"You know," I say quietly as I continue to stroke him up and down.

A wicked gleam flashes through his eyes. I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm asking. "No," he lies, "I don't know."

He's really going to make me say it, isn't he?

"Kyle," I beg. "Don't make me say it."

He smirks. "You want to suck my dick?"

I cringe from how vulgar it sounds rolling off his tongue.

"Nevermind," I mumble, refusing to meet his eyes.

His fingers find my chin, gently apply pressure, force me to peer up at him. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

I shrug, "It's OK."

I swallow hard, lift my chin up higher. "I want to suck your dick Kyle," I boldly declare. "But I may need some, uh, help figuring it out."

He motions for me to stand, and I do. He steps out of the jeans bunched at his ankles and leads me over to my unmade bed. He pulls his T-shirt over his head, tosses it by his jeans, sits down on the flower sheets I've had since I was twelve years-old. His hands crawl up my bare arms, goosebumps erupt all over my skin. "It might be easier if I'm sitting and you're on your knees "

I know I overheard Nora telling her younger cousin once you should always make a guy wear a condom when you're sucking him off, but I don’t really want to? Should I suggest it? Ask him if he's got any diseases or STD's I should know about?

Maybe I should have asked him sooner.

"What's going through your mind?" Kyle asks as I place my hands on his bare thighs, kneel between them.

I bite my lower lip, decide I should ask. " you wear a condom...uh...for this?"

"It's up to you," he replies, his fingers caressing my cheek. "I haven't really been with anyone lately and the last time I was tested, I was clean."

"How long is lately?" I implore, ignoring everything else he just said.

He looks uncomfortable. "Before you, like six months."

My mouth drops open in surprise. "Seriously? What about Sunny?"

Kyle closes his eyes, shakes his head, amused. "She caught me in a weak moment. We just made out for a few minutes until you interrupted. Do you have any idea what it was like climbing those stairs all day long staring at your ass? I was rock hard, and she mistakenly thought it was for her."

I let out a relieved laugh. "But I thought you were like super active."

"I'm not going to lie to you," he gazes down at me, "there have been girls, but probably not as many as you think."

"I believe you," I tell him. And from the way he's looking at me and touching me and staring at me, I feel awful thinking he was a man whore all this time.

"Jenny, I…" he lets out a frustrated breath, "I've only ever wanted you. The other girls, they were just…"

"You don't have to explain," I smile. "I'm not upset about them."

Before he can say anything else, I lean forward, take the tip of him into my mouth, deciding I don't really care about the condom anyway.

Chapter 28

"Did you spit or swallow?" Fallon whispers beside me.

"You do realize this is my mother's place of business, right?" I quietly remind her.

She shrugs. "No one's in here."
