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I look around. She's right. This place is dead for a Tuesday afternoon.

"What do you think?" I lift an eyebrow, purse my lips.

"You fucking swallowed?" she blinks slowly.

"Swallowed what?" we both hear behind us.

I jump at the sound of Mom's voice, put a hand on my chest, will my heart to stop thumping so loudly.

"The..." Fallon struggles to come up with an answer. Her green eyes bulge as she silently asks me for help.

"The liver and onions at Hugo's," I quickly lie.

Mom scrunches her nose. "Why would you order that?"

I blow out a long breath, give myself a few extra seconds to come up with a response. "Just wanted to try something new, I guess."

Mom slides a strand of honey-colored hair behind her ear. "I don't pay you to stand around and talk to your friends. Get back to work."

Ah, work.

When I made the brilliant suggestion that I get a job, Mom and Dad decided the best place for me to get some real world experience was at Mom's store.

As her assistant.

I have a sneaky haunch it was Dad's way of forcing us to speak to one another.

"I'm taking my fifteen-minute break," I inform her.

"Then take it outside," Mom grunts, "no one wants to hear about you eating liver and onions."

Fallon slaps a hand across her mouth to keep from laughing. I grab her arm and force her towards the door.

It's bright and sunny as we stop outside the store, let a few tourists sneak by us, their foreign accents carrying through the air. They sound European, maybe? I'm not well-traveled like Audra, so I don't know exactly what part of the world they're from.

Fallon and I plop down on the steel bench across from Mom's shop, watch a few more tourists wander by marveling at how beautiful our little corner of the universe is.

The sky is a brilliant shade of blue today, almost the same color as my eyes. A few fluffy white clouds pass overhead. The beauty of the mountain I've grown up on, combined with the fresh mountain air filling my lungs, kind of makes my heart hurt a little. I'm really going to miss this place when I leave in a few short months.

"As your only friend," Fallon begins, "I—"

"Matt is still my friend, too," I raise an unimpressed eyebrow, cutting her off.

"As your only friend not currently in love with you, but still dating someone else?" Fallon rephrases.

"Better," I tell her. "Continue."

"I feel it's my duty to give you the talk," she says very seriously. She's never this serious. Unless she's talking about graphic design.

"What talk?" I shake my head and out a tired sigh.

"The when are you going to tell Matt you're fucking his brother talk?" She nudges me with her shoulder.

I look up at the bright blue sky, wish she hadn't brought telling Matt up right now. Not when I'm in the Kyle bubble. I'm literally counting down the hours until I see his face again, his dark eyes, his gorgeous smile, his toned torso, his, uh, other great attribute I've recently become a little more familiar with.

I don't want anything bursting the Kyle bubble, but Fallon is right. I need to tell Matt before he finds out on his own. Which he easily could have done if he had caught Kyle and me making out against his car before he left Sunday after our very hot, very long morning in my bedroom.

It's just we finally started talking again. And it's not entirely awkward with Matt. I'm not sure I want to rock the boat, especially since he's not in the greatest place right now.
