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"An experience," I finish.

"I think she called you a whore," he grumbles. "Which doesn't make any sense."

"It's Colleen," I shrug. "What do you expect?"

"And what test are we supposed to be studying for?"

"That was a cover," I slap his back. I'm pretty sure he'd faint if I told him what she was actually referring to.

Matt shoves both hands into the pockets of his jeans. "They're playing The Shining down at the Roosevelt tonight. Do you want to go?"

I stand up straighter, stretch my arms over my head, feel my shoulders loosen. "You know how much I hate scary movies."

His eyes sparkle with mischief. "Don't worry, Jen, I'll hold your hand when you get scared."

"Such a tempting offer," I pretend to mull it over before fake gagging myself. "If you buy popcorn, I guess I can suffer through a few hours of torture, you know, for you."

He fist bumps me before we make our way back down the road, lost in conversation about the time we toured the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, where The Shining was filmed.

When we reach the driveway, and I climb into Matt's Jeep while he runs inside to grab his wallet and keys, I hear a faint ding in my pocket. I pull out my cell phone.

New text message lights up the screen.

I click on it, feel my eyes widen in surprise. My heart almost leaps out of my chest and the insistent, nagging, hopeless feeling I've been carrying around for weeks lessens.

Good luck on your test Friday. Try not to choke.

I smile, clutch the phone to my chest, ignore the happy tears forming in my eyes.

Wouldn't dream of it, asswipe.

Three dots appear on the white screen. I patiently wait for Kyle to reply, chewing on my bottom lip anxiously.

That's my girl.

I can't stop smiling as I reread the words over and over and over.

My girl. My girl. My girl.

I'm his girl.

Chapter 17

"Oh my god, Kyle," I moan as his tongue slides down my throat, over my chest, circles my perky breast. His mouth clamps down on a hard nipple and he sucks it into his mouth, sends a tingling sensation straight to my lower abdomen.

Then, he's twirling me around, grabbing my wrists, sliding them behind my back, clasping them together in his hand. He pushes me up against the cold white tiles of the shower wall. My nipples tighten against the smooth, cool surface as he angles the shower head towards me. Hot water sprays my face, neck, shoulders, trickles down onto my legs. He lifts my arms, pins them above my head with one of his hands. My cheek, breasts, stomach and thighs rest against the cold tiles as rivulets of warm water slip down my forehead, over my closed eyes, my lips.

His warm body envelopes mine from behind, the stark contrast of hot and cold is shocking, inebriating. His free hand rests on my waist, his throbbing erection digs into my back. His lips find my shoulder, trails soft, gentle kisses across my back to the nape of my neck. His hand leaves my waist, finds my hair, grips it firmly in his fingers and angles my head to the side. He continues to pepper kisses up my neck, until he finds my ear, nips softly at it with his teeth. I shiver against the white tile, goosebumps erupting all over my skin.

Hot. Cold. Pleasure. Pain. An arousing combination.

His hand finally releases my hair, travels down my arm, snakes across my stomach, slides against the tile in search of my soaking slit. When he finds it, he glides a finger along my folds, moans as he rubs himself against my back, then lower against my ass. "I love how wet you are for me. You make me so fucking hard, Jenny."

His fingers circle my clit before slowly inching lower. Heat blooms in my belly as I arch my back into him, begging for more.

I try to pull my arms loose from his firm grasp, but he tsks me. "I'm not finished with you," he whispers in my ear. I swallow hard, feel my chest flutter with excitement at the sound of his voice, low and raspy. "If you want me to let you go, you have to come for me."

Holy crap.
