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Dominant, demanding Kyle is sexy.

His fingers slide over my entrance, tease it softly before plunging into me. I let out a shocked gasp as he slowly pulls them out, then plunges them back in. Over and over and over again.

The cold tiles, the hot water, the steam floating around us make my head and limbs and stomach feel hazy. His hardness rubbing against my backside, the feel of his fingers inside of me. It's all so hot and carnal and I’m drowsy from his touch.

His thumb finds my center, the swollen bundle of nerves desperately needing contact. He rubs firm circles around it, fast, slow, picks up speed, stops completely, teases me until I feel like I might explode with frustration.

"Stop. Teasing. Me." I tell him between ragged breaths, my head falling back onto his strong shoulder.

His fingers find my entrance again as his thumb applies more pressure to my clit. My knees wobble, my eyes screw shut, my body jerks against the cold, tiled wall.

It takes only a few rough strokes, but I cry out as he continues to pleasure me, coming all over his fingers. Everything contracts and shakes and spasms from the orgasm rocking through my body in ruinous waves of heated bliss.

A beeping noise cuts through the sound of the water spraying us.

"What's that sound?" I ask.

The beeping gets louder and louder until everything goes dark.

I open my eyes, groan when I realize I'm in my bed and that I was dreaming.

Everything feels wet and sticky and achy as I lean over and shut off my alarm.

I'm pretty sure I just had an orgasm while dreaming about hot shower sex with Kyle.

I really need to stop reading romance novels before bed.


Fallon is waiting on the front steps to the school entrance when Matt and I reach her. They ignore each other as Matt says goodbye to me and starts heading towards his first period class.

"You doing alright?" Fallon asks as I plop down beside her, unwrap my granola bar and take a bite.

"Yeah," I sigh with a mouthful of oats. "Why?"

"You just seem...a little tense these days," she says.

"You can blame Kyle for that," I lament, fiddle with the wrapper in my hand. "He's showing up in my dreams now, Fal. All hot and sexy and naked."

"Please don't tell me you're fucking orgasming in your sleep."

"I'm not trying to," I embarrassingly admit. "But he's all I can think about."

"You need to take care of that shit before you go to sleep," she chastises me.

I glance around, make sure no one is close by before divulging, "I try, but my fingers are not as...uh, effective as Kyle's."

Fallon throws her head back and laughs. "He was that fucking good?"

"How am I supposed to know? I've only had, like, that one experience," I remind her.

"The first time is never good, Jenny," she reveals. "Ask any girl. But I guess not all of us are lucky enough to have Kyle I-fuck-like-a-God Thompson pop our cherries."

"Don't be jealous," I tease her.

"I fucking hate you," she says before laying her head on my shoulder. She smells like her strawberry shampoo. "Out of all the assholes in the world, the hottest one chooses to have sex with you."
