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I sigh, a smile crossing my lips. "Thank you for tonight. It was...really good."

He sits up, runs a hand down my back. I shiver from the way he's staring at me, the feather-light touch of his fingertips.

He wants to say something, I can just tell. It's on the tip of his tongue, but then he licks his lips, seems to shove the words back down.

I stand from his bed and start collecting my things from around the room. I slip into my thong, throw my sports bra over my head, my black shirt. I bend down to reach for my jeans when Kyle finally stands. He pulls his sweatpants up his long legs, walks over to his closet and grabs a sweatshirt. His back muscles glow under the tawny bedroom light, golden and well-defined. He puts on the sweatshirt just as I'm buttoning up my jeans. When he turns to face me, the crooked smile across his face makes my insides burn.

"Come on," he motions towards his bedroom door. "I'll walk you home."

I look back at his messy, unmade bed and smile before following him out the door. When we reach the stairs, his hand searches for mine.

Neither of us say anything as we walk to the door in silence. He opens it, steps aside to let me through first.

I immediately wrap my arms around myself when I walk outside. It's ridiculously cold and my body starts shivering.

The door clicks shut behind me and then I feel Kyle's arm loop over my shoulders. I lean into him, let his warm body engulf mine as we make our way down the pathway connecting our two houses.

The walk is short, and I realize we haven't said a word to each other when the garage flood light bathes us in a bright white glow. The silence is deafening, and I rack my brain trying to think of something—anything—to say.

When we reach the front door, he spins me around to face him, pushes me up against the dark wood. His lips find mine, tongue slips inside, licks the roof of my mouth. I melt from the vulgar way his mouth is attacking mine. And it's then that I wish we had more time before he goes back to Boulder, to his life there.

He pulls away and his fingers find my chin, tilt it up to look at him. He opens his mouth to say something just as a pair of headlights appear down the road. We both glance over, see the familiar shape of Matt's Jeep under the dim streetlights.

Quickly, I grab Kyle's hand and pull him around the front porch, push his body up against the house as we hide in the shadows from my best friend, from his brother.

"Jenny," he whispers against the top of my head.

"Shh!" I quietly chide as I peer out from behind the corner of the house, see Matt park, and then hop out.

Kyle wraps his arms around my waist, brings my body flush against his. I lean into him as I look up. Our lips find each other once again and we kiss slowly, quietly. The thrill of getting caught doesn't even register when we hear light footsteps coming down the path.


Kyle pulls away first as we stand completely still, our eyes locked on one other.

I can hear my heart beating in my ears. But all I can think about is how the ache in my belly reappeared the moment Kyle's tongue was inside my mouth, wanting him, needing him. I hold my breath as Matt stands on the first step, seems to freeze in place.

I'm certain he can see us through the wood siding, hear my heart thumping wildly in my chest, my erratic breathing falling in quick succession from my lips. But then we hear him shuffle back down the pathway, back home. I don't know why he walked all the way over here and didn't even knock on the door.

A few moments pass before we pull apart from each other and Kyle leads me back around the house to the front door.

"Will I see you before I leave tomorrow?" he asks as I slip the house key out of my front pocket.

"What time are you leaving?" I stick the key in, turn the doorknob to push open the door. I take a few heavy steps forward, turn to stand in the doorway.

He shoves his hands into the pockets of his grey sweatpants. "Early. Like around 8. I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon I have to get back for."

I nod, chew on my bottom lip. I hate getting up early, but I don't want to miss a chance to have his lips on mine one last time before he goes. "I'll make sure I'm up."

I want him to close the distance between us and kiss me goodnight, but he takes a few steps back and says, "Night, Jenny."

Lifting my hand, I offer him an awkward wave before lamely replying with "Night."

Once he's gone, I close the door, and collapse back against it.

Kyle Thompson had sex with me.

And it was freaking amazing.
