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Chapter 15

"Are you going to at least try and block me?" Matt snaps at me as I step aside to give him a clear shot of the basket.

He's awfully grumpy today.

"What's the point?" I shrug, picking at my nails. "You're going to win anyway. You always do."

Pretty sure that's why he has a full ride to UCLA.

But what do I know?

He slams the ball down on the court before striding towards me, his long, muscular arms contracting with every step. He looks angry and pissed-off. Seems like his default setting these days. "What's your problem?"

Like he even cares.

"Just tired," I reply.

Saying goodbye to Kyle this morning was more taxing than I thought it would be.

I got up early, threw my hair into a ponytail, and brushed my teeth before secretly meeting him outside. He pulled me into his arms the moment I reached him, kissed me with fervor and need and desperation. My heart flipped and flopped in my chest the whole time his lips were glued to mine.

Images from the night before flooded my head as his hands slipped beneath my sweatshirt, found my bare skin. His hard, lithe body rubbing against mine. The feel of him inside me, full and achy. The look on his face when he came. His arm hooked around my waist.

I was clenching my thighs together, trying to ease the throbbing sensation between them by the time he removed his swollen, red lips from mine.

"I won't be back for a couple months," he said as he grabbed a stray piece of hair framing my face and tucked it behind my ear. "I have a work deadline I can't miss, and finals are coming up."

Translation: I don't have time for you.

My heart felt like it dropped from the protective barrier in my ribs and splattered on the concrete driveway.

I nodded before slipping out of his embrace. "You better get going then."

"Jenny," he exhaled, reaching a hand out for me. "I...I…"

"You don't have to explain, Kyle." I offered him a forced smile as I wrapped my arms across my chest, wondering why my throat felt dry and scratchy all of a sudden. "You're busy. I get it."

"Will you text me?" he asked as his arms found my waist again, his lips pressing firmly into mine.

I tried resisting, placing my hands on his chest, putting up a barrier between us. But he just kept kissing me, running his hands all over me, pulling me closer until there wasn't any space left between us. It was confusing and it made my head hurt trying to figure out what he wanted from me. He told me he didn't have time for me, but he still wanted me to text him.

It's not like we're a thing now just because we had sex.


"Earth to Jenny?" Matt's voice cuts through the fresh memory. "What's going on with you?"

I slept with your brother and then he told me he was too busy for me.

And it bothers me more than I'm willing to admit.

Probably shouldn't tell Matt that, though.

I settle with an easier, less messy answer. "I got into Boulder."

Matt takes a few steps towards me, bear hugs me, and whispers in my ear, "I'm so proud of you, Jen. I knew you'd get in."

He smells sweaty and woodsy, like Matt. But it's not the scent I want arousing my senses right now. It's not the expensive fragrance of Kyle's cologne. The clean smell of his golden tan skin on mine. The faint hint of coffee that clings to his lips after he's had a cup.
