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His hands start to roam. Down my neck, over my shoulders, across my chest. He teases every inch of my skin as electric shocks jolt down my spine. His fingers trail lower. He hesitates, almost as if he's afraid. I kiss him back harder, silently giving him permission to slide his hands wherever he wants.

He takes his time, continues to stroke the skin above my breasts. Everything tingles and burns and aches. I need more. More of his skin on mine. More teasing, more pressure, more everything.

His hands slide further down, squeeze my breasts gently. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. The last time someone was touching me there...

Don't think about Matt! Don't think about Matt!

There's no time to process how I feel because he moves on, reaching my waist now, hands settling on my stomach. He finds the hem of my black top and tugs it up. Our lips pause for a moment as his fingers graze the space above my jeans, circle my belly button, goosebumps erupt across the space he's caressing. I let out a euphoric sigh when his hands slip to my backside. He runs them over both cheeks before giving them a rough squeeze.

One second, I'm drowning in the brutality of his touch. The next? Everything comes to a standstill. His hands, then his lips. He drags his face away from mine, scrunches his eyebrows together. My lips part in confusion, my breath falling from my mouth in heavy pants, my heart beating wildly in my chest. Thud, thud, thud.

His hand slides into my back pocket, the crinkling sound sends a streak of terror straight to my heart.


Not the condoms!

My eyes widen in horror.

Kyle pulls one out, brings the tiny foil packet up to the space between our faces. I gulp nervously, silently hoping this isn't happening.

"What's this?" He keeps his eyes locked on mine. A sliver of chocolate around his black, blown out pupils. His lips are red and swollen, cheeks flushed.

There's two ways of handling this. I could either give into the humiliation, run away, and never show my face around here again.

Or I could reinstate Operation Seduce Kyle.

With his body still pressed against mine, his warmth exhilarating, his mouth ruinous, I move my hips closer. I can feel the hard bulge in his pants as it digs into my stomach. I don't think I have much to lose at this point.

"That's a condom," I smile up at him. "I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed you don't know what it is. Thought you'd be smart enough to practice safe sex."

He stares down at me, completely bewildered, then lets out a low, gruff laugh. "I know what it is. I want to know why it's in your back pocket."

I bite my lip, run my fingers over his lower back, feel his muscles constrict from my touch "I think you can put two and two together."

"You came over here to fuck?" He sounds surprised, maybe even a little horrified.

Pure, innocent Jenny Kearns from next door is propositioning him for sex. I should feel ashamed, embarrassed.

But I don't.

I'm high off the way he's looking at me. Mystified, roused, confused.

He tilts his head to the side, inhales sharply. I don't know what to say, what to do. A few heavy moments of silence pass between us. His hand cups my cheek, thumb strokes my cheekbone gently. "I'm not going to have sex with you."


"Why not?" I practically cry.

He plants a chaste kiss on my lips, shrugs. "I don't want to be the guy you use to get over my brother."

"But I want you," I blurt out. "I want to feel good. And you, you make me feel good."

He tries to pull away from me, put some distance between us, but my hands grip his back, begging him to stay close. He doesn't put up much of a fight before he drops the condom on the counter and coils his arm around my back.

"Matt and I weren't in a relationship," I remind him. "We didn't date, and we didn't sleep together. It hurt that he didn't want me, but there's nothing to get over. We were nothing. Are nothing."

Kyle rubs his thumb over my cheekbone again. I lean into his touch, close my eyes, revel in the unexpected warmth he's giving me.
