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He knew that I liked hot chocolate.

Knew when I was freaking out about Matt and Audra, even Mrs. Henderson.

Knew how to calm me down.

Knows when to push me and when not to.

How did did I miss all of this?

I've always been painfully aware that he tends to quietly lurk in the background, in the shadows, watching me. I have noticed. Instead of trying to figure out why, I just assumed it was him trying to annoy me, mess with me, play some sick, twisted game.

But what if that wasn't it?

I think you're beautiful, Jenny.

I like your hair, by the way.

I would never do that to you. I'm not him.

All these years he's spent tormenting me, riling me up, looking for a reaction. What if he was doing all of that just to get my attention?

I take a bite of ice cream, let the cold slide down my throat, push the lump forming there away.

Why do I feel the urge to cry? I can't tell if it's tears of frustration or agony threatening to fall.

"You like being around me," Kyle's voice cuts through my racing thoughts. He leans his back against the edge of the counter right beside me, bowl of vanilla ice cream in hand. "Care to elaborate?"

I shake my head, take another bite of ice cream, and do my best to avoid the question. I don't want to say more. Not until I figure out how he feels about me.

His eyes, dark and daring, peer down at me. "Jenny."

"What Kyle?" I exhale as I take another spoonful of ice cream from the bowl. He's not going to let this go, is he?

"I want to explore every inch of your body right now," he says lowly, seductively.

My eyes flick to his as my entire body ignites, hums from the tone of his voice, the way his eyes bore into mine. "You what?"

Heat floods my cheeks. I'm blushing. Could, not possible. I'm not actually attracted to Kyle, am I? And he's...he's attracted to me?

He moves closer, our bodies so close I can feel the heat radiating off of him in waves. "I want you, Jenny. I know I'm just Matt's older brother, but I like you. I've always liked you."

Without thinking, I close the gap between us and kiss him roughly, tasting the vanilla ice cream still on his tongue.

Chapter 13

The sound of his bowl clinks down on the counter before his hands find my cheeks, slide through my hair, pull my face closer to his. A bolt of charged energy flashes through the kitchen as his lips mold to mine. He kisses me with urgency and need and experience.

He's good at this. So good.

But then his tongue slips past my lips, tangles with mine, steals the last ounce of breath from my lungs.

He's not good at this. He's incredibly good at this.

My arms instinctively wrap around his waist, fingers dig into the meaty flesh on his back. He feels warm and feverish as my body melts into his like it was made to. Like we're a perfect fit.

He changes pace and kisses me slowly, almost as if he's memorizing the way I taste, the way I feel. His fingers lightly tug at the strands of blond hair wrapped around his hands, my scalp prickles with anticipation.

This is just too amazing.
