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I know he's warring with himself. Does he give in and give me what I want? What I'm pretty sure he wants, too. Or does he do the sensible thing and push me away?

I open my eyes and scrunch my eyebrows together when I see the conflict raging in his stormy eyes. The confusion I placed there. I think I feel a little uneasy asking him to do this.

"You can't take it back, Jenny," he finally exhales. "And you're still underage."

Big deal, he's only 21. His birthday was last month.

I run my hands up his bare back. "Age of consent in Colorado is 17. I want it to be you."

He's holding back and it's not just because of my age. I can see the dam breaking, cracking, about to come crashing down.

"Are you afraid that I'll get too attached? Obsess over you? Stalk you?" I hoarsely whisper. "Make your life a living hell by falling in love with you?"

He shakes his head, seems to mull over his words before they fall from his lips. "No, Jenny, I'm afraid I'll be the one that gets too attached."


I guess I should have expected that. He did just confess to liking me. Correction: to always liking me.

My hand finds the base of his neck and I force him down to my level. "I think I can live with that," I breathe against his lips before kissing him.

He kisses me back as he tightens his grip on me. I don't know how much time passes before he gently releases me, breathing hard.

I stare up at him, wonder what's going through that gorgeous head of his. It doesn't take long to get an answer. He grabs the condom off the counter, twines his fingers with mine and leads me towards the staircase, to his room.

I thought I'd be more nervous than I am as I slowly climb the steps behind him, our fingers lazily twisting together. He keeps looking back at me, maybe hoping I'll back out before it's too late.

I like you, Jenny. I've always liked you.

The handsome, broody, complicated Kyle Thompson

I don't even know what to think about that. I decide to drown out his confession with something else. Focus on what's about to happen next.

Me. Kyle. Naked. In his bed.

I've never actually been in his room before. Guess I never really had a reason to be.

He stops in front of the door, tugs me into his arms. I wait for him to say something, but he just stares at me, chewing on his bottom lip. Moments pass, feeling like hours. He finally leans in and kisses me roughly.

"I've never…" he trails off when our lips break apart.

"Never what?" I ask as my hand reaches up, my fingers lightly touch his face.

"Never had sex in here before," he confesses.

I can't help the smile that forces its way across my lips. "Are you saying that I'm your first?"

He bites down on his lower lip, trying to stifle a laugh, flashes his eyebrows playfully at me. "First girl to be fucked in my childhood bed."

I stand on my tippy toes, press my lips against the corner of his mouth. "We probably should talk first, though."

"What about?" he asks as he turns the doorknob, steps out of the way to let me in. I pretend not to notice the anxiety in his voice.

My fingers fumble for the light switch along the wall. When I find it, flip it on, Kyle's clean and tidy room comes into view. His walls are painted a dark grey, the bed frame, desk, and side table all black steel. Black and white photographs decorate the walls. Cityscapes, mountains, pine trees. They're all incredibly vivid and breathtaking.

I walk over to his bed and run my fingers over the cool, white down comforter. I hear Kyle shut the door behind me, the sound of the lock echoes through the room. His footsteps are light as he strides over to me.

His hands hesitantly find my waist and I lean back into him, feeling how aroused he is. Aroused for me.
