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Everything is covered in a blanket of freshly fallen snow. The driveway, the Thompsons' house, the trees. There are glistening, shimmering piles of diamonds, moonstones, opals as far as the eye can see.

I've always been fascinated by how bright and dazzling snowy nights are. The sky reminds me of the grey sheets Kyle first made love to me on. And everything has this milky, effervescent glow to it as the snow falls, flits, flutters through the air, sometimes coming down softly like feathers, other times harshly like hail. And there's this sound to it, shoo-shoo. Not the pitter patter of rain, but the gentle shushing of a mother putting her child to sleep. It's peaceful, even though I hate the cold.

Unfamiliar headlights pull into the driveway. I wrap my arms tighter around myself, wonder who's crazy enough to venture out in this weather. And why are they stopping at our house?

It's a white SUV. Looks brand new.

When the door opens, I sigh in relief as Kyle gets out. I take the stairs two at a time as I head over to him, my feet sinking into the untouched snow.

"You scared me," I chide him, relieved he isn't driving his car in this storm. He probably would have gotten stuck.

Snowflakes collect on his dark hair and eyelashes and nose as he bends down to kiss me on the lips.

"Do you like it?"

"Like what?" I ask, confused.

"The car?" He stands in front of it, his arms stretched wide.

"Yeah," I shiver. "It's great. Can we head inside? I'm freezing."

And we need to talk.

"Jenny," he places both hands on my shoulders. "Happy Anniversary."

"Our anniversary isn't for two more weeks," I remind him.

He chuckles as he twists me to look at the vehicle currently sitting in front of me. He stands behind me, wraps his arms around my waist.

"Happy anniversary," he says again, his chin resting on my shoulder.

It takes a moment for me to realize he's talking about the SUV. The new SUV right in front of my eyes.

"You bought a new vehicle?"

"Yes," he whispers in my ear. "For you."

Wait, what?

I turn to look at him, my heart pounding in my chest. "You did not."

"I did," he smiles as we stand in front of each other, the snow falling faster, obscuring the familiar features of his face.

"This so, so incredibly thoughtful, but it's too much," I tell him. "I'm saving for my own car."

"Well, it's not just yours. It's ours. With all the traveling back and forth for my mom, we need something more reliable, especially now that the weather is getting worse."

"What about your car?" I pout. I really like that car. It has so many memories and I'm oddly attached to it.

"It's at home," he shrugs. "I'll drive it when we're in Boulder and you can drive this to class."

"Can I give you the two thousand dollars I've saved for a car?" I ask. I mean, it's the least I should do, right?

"No," he shakes his head. "You can save for the house."

"We're buying a house now?" I jokingly groan.

"Eventually," he smiles down at me.
