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His eyes dazzle, like a million twinkling stars in the night sky. "Yeah?"

"I love you."

"Not as much as I love you."

When he closes the door, I know he's right.

No matter how much I love him, he'll always love me more.

Because he's loved me longer.

Chapter 43

"Kyle," I groan, "I'm going to be late. So late. For my very first class."

He gives me a cheeky grin as he turns me around and pushes me up against the kitchen counter, the bulge in his jeans digging into my backside. "I'll be quick."

I brace my hands on the cool tile as he slips my underwear down my legs, slides my dress up, bunching the cottony material at my waist. His fingers glide along my inner thighs, forcing my legs further apart. I shiver as the cool air hits me. His fingers lazily draw patterns up my thighs. Higher and higher and higher. I bite my lip, holding back a moan, when they trail a path through my folds.

"You're always so fucking wet for me, Jenny."

"Kyle," I try again. "I'm serious, I don't want to be late."

I hear the sound of his zipper, the rustling of his jeans being shoved down his legs. His hands find my waist as he smirks against my hair.

"We have plenty of time."

"Kyle," I exhale.

"Let me help you relax, baby," he hums.

He slides himself against my ass, slowly, leisurely, languidly. I know I'm dripping, soaking, probably splattering my juices all over the floor, but I really, really don't want to be late. It's my first day as an official college student.

I want to enjoy this, him making me feel good, but I'm freaking out on the inside. What if I get a flat tire on the way? What if I can't find a parking spot? What if I can't find the class?

"Please," I practically beg as he drags his tip through my wet center, my core clenching. "Please, hurry up!"

He's teasing me, taunting me, testing me.

And it's working.

His fingers float up my arms, over my collar bone, down my back. He grabs the zipper of my navy blue dress, yanks it down, peels the straps off my arms. He kisses my neck and shoulders, goosebumps blossoming all over my skin.

"For the love of God," I slam my fist on the counter. "Get in me or get off me! I'm going to be late."

"Patience, Jenny," he chuckles. I try to move, but he pins me against the counter, slaps my bare ass. It stings a little, but I doubt it'll leave a mark.

I twist to face him. "I don't like that. I've told you before."

"I know," he flashes his eyebrows at me. "So, be patient."

"I'm just really nervous about my first class and I don't want to be late," I explain. "Please, Kyle, please just fuck me and get it over with."

Another slap on my ass. "I don't like that language, Jenny. It shouldn't be coming out of your mouth."

I throw my hands up in defeat, lean on my forearms, let him finish whatever it is he thinks he's doing. Which is definitely not turning me on.
