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Not at all.

His fingers unclasp my bra and I let out a huff. I'm seriously going to have to redress myself before I can leave now. Oh joy.

He flicks the soft pink material off my breasts before he cups them with his hands, squeezes them, massages them. Dammit! It feels so good. My nipples instantly harden. He pinches them, hard, and I let out an involuntary squeak.

"Just give in, Jenny," he mumbles into my ear, the feel of his warm breath makes everything fuzzy and hazy.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I will not give in. I won't give him the satisfaction. I won't tell him I'm enjoying this.

I won't, I won't, I won't.

You know what? Two can play this game.

Without warning, I slam my hips back into him, let him fill me completely. I roll back and forth against him, hear a gasp, a throaty moan, his breath quickening.

"You're in so much trouble for that," he says lowly in my ear.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I wave it off. "Now that you're in, let's finish this?"

His hand finds the nape of my neck and he wraps his fingers around me. Anticipation prickles my skin as he pulls himself out of me slowly, then thrusts back into me. Another thrust. Then another. His rhythm speeds up, then slows down. Fast and slow, gentle and rough. As the thrusts get harder, my stomach digs into the countertop, my body warms from the feel of Kyle behind me. As much as I want to kill him for wasting my valuable beforeclass time, it feels good to have him in me, pleasuring me, giving me pieces of himself that no one else gets to experience.

The nerves I was so focused on are suddenly gone as I finally give in.


I'm enjoying this.

And I don't think I care how late I am now.

"Tell me, baby," he rasps between thrusts. "Tell me how good it feels."

"It feels so," I moan, "good."

His hands find my waist and he digs his fingers into my backside. His pace picks up as I arch my ass into him, rolling my hips with each thrust.

"Don't stop," I pant.

He keeps the pace as I angle myself better, helping him hit that spot that makes my knees feel like they might buckle, and my core explode.

"I'm gonna come, Jenny," he warns me.

Each thrust is more sensitive than the last and I feel myself getting close.

So close.

"Come with me," he grunts in my ear.

The sound of his voice, of his flesh smacking into mine, his moans and grunts and breath cause my stomach to coil, my insides rip with liquid fire.

I throw my head back onto his shoulder as I clench down hard on him. I see stars, white light, fireworks as my orgasm courses through me. I cry out at the exact same time his movements become sloppy and I feel him swell inside of me, twitch and writhe and succumb. He moans against my ear.

Oh my god.

I don't think I'll ever get tired of this. Of the way his hands caress my hips, and his breathing slows and we both come down from our high together.

"Holy fucking shit."
