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I shake my head and turn to look at her. "I already told you he made it clear he doesn't want me."

Fallon shrugs. "I don't fucking care what he says." She glances over at Matt and gestures for me to look. When his eyes lock on mine, I hear her say, "He's only ever had eyes for you."

The bell rings, breaking Matt and I's longer-than-usual eye contact. Fallon starts packing up her stuff as I stand and pick up my uneaten lunch.

Unsurprisingly, Matt strides over to our table to walk to History together.

"Is Fallon able to take you home today?" he asks as he grabs my backpack off the table and hands it to me.

Before I can tell him that she said she can, she interrupts. "Nope, sorry Matty. I have a very important doctor's appointment after school."


"Finally gonna get that STD taken care of?" Matt retorts. He's never really cared for her. Always claims her promiscuous ways are unattractive and desperate.

"Is that your way of saying I sleep around too much?" Fallon crosses her arms over her chest, challenging him. "Because from what I hear, you've had your fair share of groping and feeling girls up lately."

"Seriously, you two?" I chastise as I walk away from them, rolling my eyes.

Children. They're both children.

"You told her?" Matt asks in disbelief when he finally catches up to me.

"She's my best friend," I answer. "Why wouldn't I tell her?"

Matt grabs my shoulder and gently turns me to face him. "I thought I was your best friend?"

"You are." I chew on my bottom lip. "But you're not the person I want to talk about my first... experiences with."

"Even if I'm the one you had them with?" he counters.


"Hey guys," Audra interrupts.

Matt looks annoyed as I tear my eyes away from his gorgeous face and greet Audra. "Hey."

"Mind if I walk with you guys to History?" She elbows me in the arm and winks.

"Not at all," I smile at her before making room for her to stand between Matt and me. Which is what I'm assuming the nudge and wink were about.

"What were you guys talking about?" she asks as if we've been friends for years and walking to class together is normal.

For the record, it's not normal.

"Nothing," Matt and I both say at the same time.

"So, Jenny," Audra says excitedly, "did you hear the good news?"

I shake my head. "No, what good news?"

"Matt finally asked me to Prom." She tenderly rubs his back as I watch him visibly stiffen.

"That's...awesome, Audra," I somehow choke out. I don't know why, but I assumed Matt and I would be going to Prom together. Maybe because I naively assumed we'd be together by now.

Guess I was wrong.

My heart constricts in my chest, and I feel the sudden urge to flee.
