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"You guys go ahead" I clear my throat. "I'm going to head to the restroom before class."

Audra gives me a breathtaking smile. I really hate that she's so pretty. "Sounds good, Jenny."

I start to walk away before I turn back around. "Hey Audra?"

She looks over her shoulder as I watch her slip her hand in Matt's. "Yeah?"

"When did he ask you?" I'm not sure I want to hear the answer. But I know I need to hear it.

"Friday," she beams.

When the word hits my ears, I feel the last piece of my heart shatter into a thousand, tiny pieces.

"Jen," Matt steps forward, pulling his hand from Audra's.

"You guys are gonna look really great together," I tell them before taking a few steps and finding sanctuary in the girl's bathroom.

I lock myself in a stall and let the tears fall from my eyes, wondering how in the world there's anything left to cry out.

Chapter 4

It's Friday.

I've somehow made it through the week without breaking down. Or talking to Matt. Mainly because I've been avoiding the inevitable. Which is the final blow to my broken, battered heart when I acknowledge that he likes someone else.

At first, I was devastated when Audra told me Matt asked her to Prom. I mean, Prom was supposed to be mine. I was supposed to go with him. But no. He decides to ask Audra instead. Doesn't even have the balls to tell me. That led to the anger I was feeling midweek. Which, in turn, led to the childish conclusion that he deserved the silent treatment. And now? Well, now I'm just being difficult, and I think I'm enjoying it.

"Are you still ignoring me?" Matt turns around in his chair in front of me and whispers as Mr. O'Connell takes a personal phone call in the hall.

I don't answer him.

"I take that as a 'yes'," Matt wisely deduces. Wow, he's so smart.

I don't look at him and begin doodling in my notebook. I know I'm being snarky and mean and unpleasant, but he asked Audra to Prom and the following day demanded that I take off my shirt so he could...anyway, you get the point.

He's an asswipe.

"How many times do I have to apologize?" he asks for the millionth time. I also don't respond for the millionth time.

"Babe?" Audra leans in from the seat next to me, trying to get Matt's attention. Great, she already has a pet name for him and they're not even officially dating.

He doesn't look at her, keeps his gaze firmly locked on me. "Jen?"

I open my history book and begin rereading the chapter we're covering today. Except I can't seem to process a single word on the page.

"Jenny," Matt tries again.

"Babe?" Audra says, clearly ignoring whatever's going on between Matt and me.

"What?" he snaps at her.

"We're still on for tonight, right? Brad's party?" She sounds so desperate. I roll my eyes and suppress the urge to gag myself.

"Sure, whatever," Matt says, returning his gaze back to me.

I shift uncomfortably and let out an agitated huff. They should really work out their Friday night plans before fifth period. It's just tacky and pathetic to wait so late in the day. Kind of seems like an afterthought. Not that anyone asked my opinion.

Before I know it, Matt's ripping the textbook out of my hands and slamming it shut on my desk. The whole class turns to look at us. And, finally, Audra realizes something serious is going on between the two of us.
