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It's kind of pitiful to watch. Like someone learning how to ride a bike for the first time. They just keep falling, scraping up their knees and arms and egos.

Except they aren't wounding limbs; they're wounding each other's hearts.

Maybe I should speak up and say something. Set them straight. But I don't. Because they have to figure it out together. I can't intervene. It's not my place.

And it's certainly not my business.

Kyle flips onto his stomach. I sneak a peek at him out of the corner of my oversized sunglasses. His eyes are hungrily scanning my body. Audra convinced me to get a spray tan and buy a red, ruffled, wrap-around bikini. It's definitely not my usual swimwear choice, but I'm not complaining now that I know how much he likes it.

"I think I'm going to go for one last dip before I head back," Kyle announces as he stands, gently runs his hands over his torso, swiping a few pebbles of white sand from his lean, toned body.

Audra's head snaps up.

"Jenny," she hums, "you're looking a little sweaty. You should probably go with him and cool off."

Matt totally ignores us, heaves the chairs and umbrella over his shoulders and starts heading towards the beach house.

"Go." Audra raises her eyebrows. She slings her bag over her shoulder. "I'll take care of Matt."

"Thanks. I owe you one," I tell her before throwing off my sunglasses and chasing after Kyle.

My feet sink into the wet sand as I slow my pace, admire the lean muscles in his back, the golden flecks in his dark hair.

He's mine. All freaking mine.

Kyle's knee deep in ocean water when he turns around and spots me. He opens his arms, and I don't even hesitate before I jump into them, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms around his neck.

He buries his face in the crook of my shoulder while mumbling, "You're killing me in this bathing suit."

I can't hide the smile on my face. "I bought it with you in mind."

Kyle carries me further into the waves and the cool water feels refreshing against my balmy skin. I wiggle against him as his hands slide down my hips, skims my thighs, grips my backside. Heat spears my belly as his fingers graze my skin and I cling tighter to him, trying to quell the ache in my lower stomach.

"I want you, Kyle," I tell him.

He kisses me roughly before pulling back. "I can't get Matt to leave the room."

"And Audra barges in without knocking," I exhale deeply.

She got an eyeful last night when she walked into our shared room and Kyle and I were in a very compromising position.

A wave races towards us and Kyle holds onto me as it ripples past. We sway to and fro, his arms never leaving my body, an anchor holding me close to him.

I smile as he walks us forward.

"There's nowhere we can be alone," I say.

"I think I have an idea,” he smirks.

But before I can ask what it is, another wave crashes over us, pulling us under.

Kyle's arms stay wrapped around me and we both break the surface at the same time.

He runs a hand through his newly shorn hair, sending jolts of electricity through my body. The ache that’s settled in my gut turns into a blazing bonfire as I watch his arm muscles flex and bulge and constrict as he playfully gives me a show.

"Come on, baby," he grins at me as he grabs my hand, tugs me against him, and leads me out of the water.

