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He stepped closer, his forehead against mine, as he looked down at me, smiling, "It's my favorite right now, too. Although, I'm afraid it's going to have to go," he said in a simultaneously teasing and threatening tone.

To save my bra from being ripped to shreds, I reached behind me quickly and unhooked it, letting it slide to the floor next to my tattered blouse.

I heard his breath come out in a whoosh and knowing that I had caused that made me stand a little straighter and push out my breasts a little more until the hard tips of them brushed against his chest. "You have way too many clothes on," I told him.

He swallowed hard, not breaking his gaze as he yanked his shirt over his head and started undoing his belt, shoving his pants down to the floor. As he did so, I watched him with fascination, all the while undoing my slacks and sliding them down into the growing pile of clothes.

Adam was not clean-shaven. Along with his five o'clock shadow, he had a patch of hair on his chest that I strangely wanted to run my fingers through. I had never seen myself as a woman who would get into that, but it made sense with him. The hair on his chest narrowed down into a trail from his belly button down to the elastic band of his boxer briefs. My eyes followed that trail—my tongue darted out to lick my lips as I eyed the very large tent his erection made beneath his boxer briefs.

I heard his husky chuckle. "Shall I?" he asked, hooking his thumbs into the waistband.

My hand started forward. "Oh, no, let me," I said, yanking the waistband down to let his engorged cock spring free.

Damn, who knew?

"As much as I admire the way you're looking at my dick," he broke in, putting his hand at my waist and pulling me close to him, "there's something very urgent that we need to see to."

I looked up at him, feeling almost lightheaded from the way his eyes roved over my body like he wanted to swallow me whole. It wasn't like I hadn't felt desire before, and it wasn't like I hadn't had a fun sex life, but the way he was looking at me was possessive and intense—not something I ever thought I would be this turned on by, and yet, I felt like putty in his hands.

"And what could that possibly be?" I asked breathlessly.

He grabbed my hand and then led me towards the hallway off the living room. Without a word, we entered his room. I was surprised by what met my eyes. I didn't know what I'd been expecting—maybe more sports memorabilia, much like the stuff that was decorating the walls of his living room and kitchen. Instead, I was faced with a king-sized bed with sumptuous linens in earth tones. In the free second I had, I was also surprised to note that Adam’s bookshelves were in fact crammed full of books.

I might have to examine that later, I made a mental note to myself.

None of that mattered at that moment, though. The way he was looking at me was all that I cared about.

Gently, he tossed me to the bed, and I fell back with a laugh. "Smooth," I teased him.

His face got serious. "I can hardly worry about being smooth when all I want to do is taste that pussy," he said, hooking his thumbs beneath the skinny piece of elastic that held the crotch of my lacy panties together. Yet again, I felt the wind knocked out of me as he held my eyes and took off my panties, flinging them across the room.

"Why do I get the feeling that for all of your bossiness, you want somebody to tell you what to do in the bedroom?" he asked, running his fingers over my trembling thighs.

I forced a laugh. "I bet you would like that," I challenged him. "I bet you would like it if I told you how to manhandle me, to make me cum hard for you."

I saw him swallow hard and his brown eyes darkened to nearly black as he took in the sight of me, spread out across his bed. "Well, let's just see," he said, his eyes reaching mine before he ordered in an authoritative voice, "spread your legs for me, Reagan, let me see how wet I made you."

I had never been talked to like that, and I would've never put up with being talked to like that before. But before I could bite out a scathing response, my knees opened, much to the chuckling satisfaction of Adam, who wasted no time in dropping to his elbows and positioning his mouth over my quivering sex.

"Look at that. Look at all that wetness for me. I bet it tastes good, too," he said huskily, and my breath caught in my throat when he darted out the tip of tongue, flicking it against my pussy.

I wasn't sure I could breathe for the next couple of minutes as Adam ravaged me, first slipping his tongue in and out of my anxious channel and then circling over my swollen clit. That move made my hips buck up, and a cry rang from my throat. Just when I thought I was going to fall apart by the mere movement of his mouth, my body jolted in surprised ecstasy at the addition of his fingers sliding inside me. "Holy shit," I breathed.

He moaned against me. "You taste so goddamn good, Reagan, just like I knew you would. So sweet," he said, and I was shocked to find that just the feeling of his breathy words against my mound had me already close to the edge.

I peeked down at him, just wanting to get a quick glimpse, but I became entranced by the way he watched me carefully as he sucked and licked and teased me just to the edge of orgasm before letting up for a moment, only to bring me there again and again.

"Adam," I cried, desperate to come. "Adam, please," I begged as my orgasm grew closer and closer. I looked down at him and was satisfied to see that while he was pleasuring me, his own hand was wrapped around his shaft, stroking himself. It caused a fresh wave of wetness to wash over me. He gave me a slow smile. "Do you like watching me jerk off to you?"

"Yes." I moaned. "Please, please, let me come," I said.

His soft chuckle vibrated against my sensitive flesh as he slipped his fingers inside of me and started working furiously in tandem with his tongue over my clit. This time, he didn't just bring me to the edge, he kept going as my orgasm hit me violently. "That's it, Reagan, come for me," he cooed as I melted into the mattress.

After a few minutes, my heart finally started slowing down, and the endorphins made my body feel relaxed and at ease.

He crawled up my body, and I could feel his hardness against my thigh as he kissed my breasts, sucking first one and then the other nipple into his mouth, lapping at them with his ardent tongue. I relished the attention he gave my breasts before he moved his mouth further up my chest to my neck and then pulled back to look at me. I could see the smile in his eyes, the self-satisfaction. One side of his mouth tilted up. "So, what did you think of that, Queen Reagan?" he asked, harkening back to a nickname I had hated since I'd known him.

I leveled him with a hard stare, before letting the smile slowly overtake my mouth. "Get the condoms," I told him.
