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He laughed. "See, that's what I'm talking about right there. You're too good for an old pull-my-finger joke. You take yourself too seriously," he said in a taunting voice.

My hackles were up now, and I stepped towards him. "Your evidence is lacking, Dr. Rollins, and you have no right to even suggest such a thing. What does it matter to you, anyway? Brian and I have broken up, so you won't have to deal with me anymore."

His shoulders slumped somewhat. "I just think it's a shame that a beautiful woman like you is wasting your time on people who are clearly not a good fit. Don't get me wrong, Brian is my best friend. He's a great guy. He's just not the guy for you—you need somebody who challenges you, somebody to get you going."

I laughed. "Well, would you look at that, all this time and I should've been coming to you for relationship advice," I said, darting a look over his shoulder to his empty living room, where there was one solitary container of Chinese food. "I forgot you're such an expert, with your dinner of one."

"Hey, I am single by choice. I could get anybody I wanted if I wanted to," he said, stepping closer to me.

"How would you plan to do that? With your arresting wit?" I said, stepping even closer to him and getting in his face.

He looked down at my face, and I never noticed just how deep his brown eyes were. They danced with laughter and irritation, a combination that I was all too familiar with, unfortunately. "I'll show you…I'll show you just how I would accomplish that," he said, his eyes falling to my mouth and his voice dropping.

I felt my eyes widen. He couldn't be about to—

And then, he was bending down and pressing his lips against mine. I froze as he gave me a long, thorough kiss that made my toes curl inside my shoes.

What the hell was wrong with me? It was Adam, for God’s sake..

But as his tongue swept inside and I tasted the faint traces of beer and inhaled the deep, musky scent of him, something unfurled inside my chest, something that licked down deep inside of me into places I hadn't really felt before.

I pulled away suddenly, looking startled, as if I had been the one to initiate that kiss. We looked at each other for a long moment like two deer caught in the headlights of a car. Then, as I rubbed at my swollen lips, there was a promise of something in those eyes that reached inside of me and spoke to the most vulnerable part of me…at least, that was how I would excuse my next action later.

Because I raised myself up on my toes. I threw my arms around his neck and brought him back down for another kiss. None of it made sense, but my body had taken over control.

He responded by wrapping his arms around me and pulling me close to him, pressing me against his surprisingly hard body. It was kind of hard to tell beneath those hockey jerseys and hospital scrubs that there was nothing but hard muscle and sinew. There was something else hard waiting for me, too.

One of his hands moved down my back and over my ass, and I moaned into his mouth as he squeezed my cheek in a possessive grip. It was all much too fast and insanely inappropriate…and it was turning me on more than I have ever felt in my lifetime.

He pulled back again, breathing heavily. "You want to come in?"

I didn't even think, the words just spilled out of my mouth. "God, yes."

He pulled me inside and shut the door, then gently pushed me back against it, capturing my mouth again with his. I let my tongue do more of the exploring this time, surprised at the trill of excitement that ran up my spine when I heard the nearly feral crawl that escaped his throat. I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised that Adam had passion—all we ever did when we were around one another was argue.

His hand cupped my cheek, the pad of his thumb stroking my chin as he pulled back and looked down at my eyes. "You are infuriating and the sexiest woman I have ever met."

"You have a funny way of showing that," I told him breathily.

"You were Brian's girl. No way was I about to tell either one of you that I got a hard-on every time you walked into a room."

I laughed. "Bro code?"

"Something like that," he said breathlessly. "I don't want to talk about him, I don't know why I brought him up." He ran his fingers over my face.

"Well, I know one way to get all that off your mind," I said, pushing away from the door, my hands going to my blouse.

Watching as his eyes dilated, I slowly unbuttoned my blouse, and it was oddly titillating. I could feel the moisture at the crux of my thighs gathering as he bit his lip and watched me carefully. I was only a few buttons down before he surged forward. "This image is sexy as hell, honey, but I'm going to have to stop you," he told me in a husky voice.

I looked up at him, dismayed. "Excuse me?"

His eyes held mine as his hands moved mine away from the buttons of my blouse. One side of his mouth tilted up in a boyish smile. "I saw this in a movie once," he said quietly as he grasped the front of my blouse and ripped the rest of it open.


"I'll get you another one, I promise. That was worth it," he said, feasting his eyes on my heaving bosom. I couldn't seem to get the air to my lungs quickly enough. I felt like I had just run the New York marathon, and yet, I was energized in a way that I had never felt before. I laughed as I let what was left of my shirt slip down my arms.

"Okay," I told him. "But don't you dare do the same thing to this bra—this one is my favorite," I said, looking down at the light pink lacy cups that held my breasts at the moment.
