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He barked out a laugh but hurriedly moved off of me to root around in the drawer of his bedside table. He produced what I'd asked for, and I grabbed one, hurriedly ripping open the packet. "I like the enthusiasm," he murmured as he sat back against the headboard and watched as I rolled the condom over his hardness, taking my time to feel every ridge.

I reveled in the feel of him, a swarm of ideas racing through my mind of all the things I wanted to do to him. "I'm going to need to give him some more attention later," I told Adam solemnly as I nodded toward his dick. "But for right now, it is more urgent that he get inside of me."

"Would have to agree with you," he said, looking up at me with a slight smile on those full lips. "Let me see you put me inside of you, Reagan."

That request made me bite my lip. I wasn't sure how, but there was something about it that was simultaneously commanding and vulnerable. I held his gaze as I positioned him at my opening and slowly slid my tight channel down over him. He let out an agonized groan as I held my breath, trying to get used to the size of him. "Fuck, that's glorious," he choked out, and I laughed at the word. It wasn't every day that somebody called my pussy glorious.

Leaning down, then smoothing my hand over his stubbly jaw, I was unable to rip my eyes from his as my hips started to move. In fact, I couldn't look away from him the whole time. For the first time in my sexual life, I didn't get in my own head. I didn't worry about what I looked like, or sounded like. I didn't even let myself drift away like sometimes I did during non-exciting encounters. Sex wasn't really the time to be thinking of a to-do list for the next day, but I knew I wasn't the only woman who was guilty of that. None of that was drifting into my head now—it was just me and Adam and his big hard cock inside of my pussy, making me feel so fucking good...better than I knew was possible.

His hands grasped at my hips and branded the flesh, but I loved the heat of him. I leaned forward, clutching his chest for leverage as I moved my hips more quickly, excited by the way he was clenching his jaw and holding back. "That's a good girl," he said, "ride my cock, just like that." He released one hand from my hip and moved it to the swell of my ass.

I let out a surprised shriek when he spanked me but found that it made me clinch even tighter around him as I rode him. "You like that, don't you?" he asked with a small smile.

"Yes." I moaned. "Do it again," I instructed him.

He happily obliged, and the stinging of his hand against my bottom made me go even faster. He let out a feral groan. "Reagan, you have no idea what you do to me."

I leaned down and kissed his now salty lips, our bodies both slick with sweat. "No, but I have a feeling I'm about to find out," I told him as I ground down harder against him.

His remaining hand on my hip tightened even more, his fingertips biting into my sensitive flesh. But I didn't care. I loved how tight he was holding me, and at that moment, I felt like those were the only two things keeping me together as my second orgasm of the night began to barrel down on me. As tendrils of pleasure began to take me over, I looked down at him, dismayed. "Adam, I'm going to come again," I confessed.

"That's good, sweetheart, you come for me, squeeze my shaft as hard as you can, you hear me? Milk this cock," he instructed. And those words sent me over the edge, my pussy clamped down hard around him as my orgasm hit at full force. He held tight to me as he bucked up wildly, riding out his own orgasm and breathing heavily into my neck, murmuring, "Fuck," over and over again.

I kept moving my hips until the spasms faded, seemingly unable to stop. And we stayed in each other's arms for long moments afterward, just catching our breath. Finally, we broke apart far enough to look at one another. The question was hanging between us: what did we do now?

But I didn't want to answer that right away, I just wanted him to keep touching me. So, I kissed him again, setting off for yet another encounter, to be followed by a couple more.

I wasn't sure what time we finally fell asleep. I just knew that exhaustion hit us at some point, and we fell into a heap in each other's arms, out before either one of us could overanalyze anything.

Chapter two


"So, what do we do now?" I asked, feeling like an asshole for even letting the words out of my mouth. We both knew the answer to my question, but it was awkward, sitting up naked in bed, looking at the woman who I had spent the better part of the year arguing with every chance I got after we had just had the most amazing night together. Never mind the fact that she was my best friend's newly minted ex-girlfriend. I had broken all sorts of friend codes by sleeping with her. But whatever friend code existed between me and Brian didn't seem to hold a candle to the pull of Reagan Miles.

Truth be told, I'd been turned on by her since the moment Brian first introduced me to her. I should've just been happy for him, but I knew from the jump that those two weren't right for one another, and I might've made my feelings known. Brian was a good guy, don't get me wrong. I loved him. But Reagan was a whole different sort of woman, way out of Brian's league. And now, my suspicions had just been confirmed. Reagan was way more than Brian could've ever handled. Quite frankly, she scared the shit out of me, but I was just enough of a martyr to enjoy it.

None of that mattered, though. She was Brian's ex. We had crossed so many lines, and now, we needed to deal with it.

"I'm not sure, I've never been in this position before," she said, biting that lip of hers.

"But I'm pretty sure you were in all the positions last night," I pointed out helpfully.

She rolled her eyes. "Don't remind me," she said, looking away, but I could see the small smile she was fighting back.

"Look, not that we were any great love to one another, but I still don't think Brian needs to know about this," she said.

I nodded enthusiastically. "I completely agree with you for once. What he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?"

She sighed. "Something like that."

We sat in silence. Maybe I should tell her that it had been a mistake…except nothing in me believed that. I didn't know what I felt at that moment, I just knew I had had some of the most explosive orgasms in the last eight hours of my life, and with Reagan of all people. I was still in shock.

"It shouldn't be a big deal really," she said, seeming to come into herself again. "We're two consenting adults who did adult things together. That's it. And now, for the sake of your friendship and my sanity, I think it would be best if we just…pretended like it never happened," she said with a grimace.

A sharp, stabbing pain struck in the vicinity of my heart that instantly confused me, but I nodded dumbly. "Yeah, I agree. No harm, no foul."

"Since Brian and I aren't together anymore, it's not like you and I will ever be around one another. So, we don't have to worry about any awkward run-ins," she reasoned, keeping her eyes away from mine.
