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Much like our time together that morning, there was a sense of urgency that drove us to quickly rip away one another's clothing. That urgency led to little foreplay and heightened the unspoken knowledge that we just needed to be connected as quickly as possible.

When my mouth closed over one of her hard nipples, a small moan escaped her lips, and her head came up suddenly, her eyes looking startled.

I knew how loud Reagan could get, and I could tell she was worried about that, so I halted my movements to lift her up into my arms, her legs wrapping around my waist and carrying her further into the bedroom towards the bathroom.

The light in my bathroom was bright and unforgiving, but it let me see every part of her, and I was grateful for that. God, she was gorgeous, long and lean and strong.

I lifted her on the counter, letting my eyes drink in the beauty of her, my smile twisting my lips when she breathed out in a quiet, urgent voice, "Adam, I need you inside me, please, for the love of God, fuck me now."

Our eyes met. I grinned at her in smug satisfaction. "You know, I have always appreciated your directness."

"Yeah?" She leaned forward slightly on the counter, then reached down and grabbed my engorged manhood, positioning it at her opening. "Well, then, I hope you appreciate this directness," she said as she guided the tip of me inside her. I let out a little growl, then leaned forward and captured her lips as I pushed the rest of the way in, smothering her mouth with my own.

"You're going to have to be a good girl and stay quiet, Reagan," I warned her softly as I moved back and forth slowly.

"I'm not going to be a good anything if you don't start moving faster," she said impatiently, bucking her hips upward. I let out a husky chuckle at her needy impatience. I fucking loved it.

"Patience, now, sweetness, you know I'll get you there," I promised her, running my lips down her neck as my hips started to pick up the pace.

"I know, but Adam?" The tone of her voice had me looking up into her eyes, slightly concerned. "I don't know if I'm going to be able to…hold back completely. I think you're going to need to put a hand over my mouth," she told me, and even though the words sounded slightly uncertain, I could see the fiery challenge in her eyes.

"Would you like that? Me holding my hand over your mouth as you scream into my palm as I make you come for me?" I asked her seductively as I moved my hand down, my thumb quickly locating her swollen clit.

She bit her lip at the contact, and a low, feral sound escaped her throat. I had to fight back my own chuckle of satisfaction. I loved how she was so responsive, always willing to play.

She nodded her head furiously. "Yes, dammit, that's what I want. That's what I need, that and your cock," she told me with a ragged whisper, and it took everything in me not to come right there.

I had no way of knowing how she was going to act after this go round, but I would hang on to her telling me how badly she needed my dick, how badly she needed me inside her.

As requested, I placed my palm over her mouth firmly, my other hand still working her sensitive flesh. Her finger dug into my shoulders as I quickened my thrusts, her eyes never leaving mine the whole time.

Even though we couldn't have been there long, the walls of her pussy were already squeezing around me, and I was grateful since I was so close to spilling my seed.

Her hot breath rushed over my hand as her hips bucked up harder, chasing after her orgasm. "Come on, that's it. Come for me, come like a good girl," I coaxed her quietly.

She tightened around my hardness, and I saw her eyes widen and her hips begin to shake as she came hard around me. I was right behind her, pistoning my hips hard against hers as I spilled myself into her tightness, reveling in the long, low moan that vibrated against my palm.

I slumped over her, spent and breathing hard, my face tucked in next to hers as we waited for our heart rates to slow down. Even as I softened inside her, I didn't want to release her.

I was already dreading the awkward conversation that was sure to follow, and I was at a loss for what it would take to make her see that there was clearly something here that needed to be explored. But to my surprise, she said this instead: "Don't get too comfortable, Mr. Insufferable. We're not done yet."

No, no, we were not.


I didn't know what time it was by the time we made it back to the bed where we collapsed, exhausted, in one another's arms. And I lost count of how many orgasms I'd had by then, but I was excited in a way that I had never felt before in my life, and not just because of physical pleasure or how not being able to make any noise intensified the situation.

Reagan and I kept our eyes on one another throughout our encounters, especially now, since we couldn't really emote, at least, not at the high volume like she was accustomed to. But staring into her eyes as I came again and again, and as I felt her give herself over to me again and again, it had me even more sure about the conclusion I'd come to earlier in the day.

Especially when she fell asleep in my arms. Never had I welcomed such closeness, but somehow, it seemed like I'd been waiting for this woman. Somehow, it didn't seem like such an out-there idea that I had this beautiful woman sleeping through the night with me, cuddled up next to me and softly snoring as I watched her, amused and grateful.

All I wanted to do was get up the next morning and do this day all over again, the highs and lows, and that was not something I'd ever expected for myself.

It felt like I'd just closed my eyes when I heard the scream. A bloodcurdling, heart-chilling scream that would stay in my head for hours afterward.

"Mom! Mommy!"

I jolted into an upright position. "Wolfie?"
