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I widened my eyes dramatically and slowly shook my head. “No, see that can’t be possible because just a few hours ago, a beautiful woman informed me I was to act like—let me see, how did she put it?” I asked, tapping my finger against my chin thoughtfully. “Ah yes, I believe the words were: we ‘remembered our places, after an amazing night of sex, of course.’”

I could see her jaw clench at the reminder before she looked at me with defiance and asked, “Who said anything about amazing sex?”

A laugh escaped me. “Are you really about to suggest otherwise?”

She stopped then, a satisfyingly deep blush staining her cheeks before she admitted reluctantly, “No, I wasn’t about to say anything like that.”

“Good,” I warned her in a teasing tone, “because then I would have to accuse you of being a filthy liar. I realize that’s part of your trade, but I like to think you couldn’t spit out such a grievous lie.”

"I just don't think it's a good idea to keep getting closer."

The words stung, though I was not one bit surprised that she had said them. That didn't mean I wasn't going to fight her on them.

"Oh, God forbid you get close to anybody, right?" I baited her.

Her head came up sharply. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'm close to people…"

"Sure, your friends, your family—but we both know that when it comes to relationships, you'll only go so far," I pointed out.

She shook her head, angrily packing up the sandwich and snack she had made presumably for Wolfie's lunch tomorrow. "You really are insufferable, Adam," she fumed.

"Insufferably sexy?" I pushed.

She wasn't taking any joking at this point, though. "Just because we slept together a couple of times, you think you've got me all figured out."

I barked out a laugh and covered my mouth quickly, trying to catch the noise just in case it woke Wolfie. Once I was sure the boy was still asleep, I looked at her incredulously and said, "Reagan, I promise you, that is the last thing I think. You are the most mystifying person I've ever met, in fact. But I would like to know you better. I think I figured out some stuff, despite your attempts at pushing away the opposite sex."

"You have got to be kidding me. Push away the opposite sex? Where do you get off? Since I've known you, you've never been in a relationship, and you want to talk to me about pushing away people." she spat out.

"I have always been very open about pushing away people, and with good cause. I've told you about my family, so you know what grifters they are," I reminded her. And that was true. I was fairly open about my feelings about the Rollins family. I had made many a joke about it during my time spent with her and Brian. It was no secret that I was the black sheep of the family—well, me and Ronnie.

But there was obviously something holding back Reagan. I knew she had strong friendships with her girlfriends, and I knew she was really close to her family. But there was something holding her back with me and with Wolfie, and I didn't quite understand it. She had everything going for her. I understood her thinking that she wanted one thing and then being completely surprised by another. I got that better than anybody she knew, but the troubled look on her face every time Wolfie or I showed any kind of affection toward her ate at me.

I could see that she was starting to shut down. Reagan was so far in her own head that at this point, she wasn't even willing to argue with me. I couldn't stand that. I'd seen her do this a couple of times in the past, when she got so upset about something that not even her argumentative instinct would pull her forth to fight it out.

She put Wolfie's lunch into the fridge, and it was then that I noticed that her hands were shaking slightly. I rushed closer to her, worried that she was hurt, but when she looked up into my eyes, it wasn't hurt I saw, but anger and determination. "Quit psychoanalyzing me, Adam. I made myself clear this morning," she said through gritted teeth.

Stepping closer to her, I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, looking down into her eyes, which were glittering with anger and passion. "Did you, Reagan? Because I'm confused. You cried out my name and told me you wanted more one second, then the next, you tell me we can't talk about it. Well, I want to talk about it. I want to talk about us, no matter how inconvenient that might be for you."

She glared up at me and bit her lip at the same time before spitting out, "There is no us," she said, shaking her head. "There could never be an 'us,' Adam," she insisted, even as she moved closer to me, her warmth pulling me in.

I shook my head, not even daring to blink. There was no way I was letting her get off this easily. "And why is that, Reagan? Are you scared of me?" I asked her point-blank, my mouth hovering over hers.

I saw that flash of anger in her eyes and that quick press of the lips before she huffed out a laugh. "Why the hell would I be scared of you?"

"Because of the way I make you feel," I said, my breath fanning over her lips. A surge of satisfaction shot through me when I saw the way her lips parted at our closeness.

"You are one arrogant son of a bitch," she muttered.

I felt the corner of my mouth tilt up into a twisted smile as I asked her, "Yeah? And do you want this arrogant son of a bitch to kiss you or not?"

She shook her head and hissed out, "I hate you," before throwing her arms around my neck and forcing my mouth down on hers. The kiss was quick and fevered, our mouths meeting in our now familiar dance of lust, anger, and passion.

We stayed in one another's embrace for long moments, just tasting one another, until she finally pulled back and whispered, "We can't do this."

I nodded at her gravely and agreed, then said, "You're right, we can't do this…here. Come with me," I told her, pulling back and snatching her hand, then leading her to my bedroom, even though I knew she remembered the way.

I closed the door softly behind us and pulled her to me, taking her mouth again and letting my hands roam down her back over her high and tight little ass. There was a hush over the whole apartment, exaggerating the sounds of our heavy breathing, but I took comfort in the fact that we were far enough away that we were unlikely to be heard, yet still close enough that we could bolt out of there in case Wolfie needed us.
