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"Fine. What do you wanna talk about, Adam? Do you want to talk about the fact that I can't quit thinking about you? Do you want to talk about the fact that I keep touching myself to the memory of the last time we were together? Do you want to talk about the fact that I keep questioning all of my plans all of a sudden, because of you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

He studied my face for a long moment, then said quietly, "As a matter of fact, I want to talk about all of those things, but there's something that we need to do first."

I stared up at them, that familiar and scary clutch of desire tightening around my middle as I inhaled his scent. I knew that look he was giving me, but dammit, I was powerless to stop it. So, I didn't wait for him to bend down and kiss me this time. This time, I rose on my toes and I kissed him myself, cupping his stubbly jaw in my hands and holding him to me as if I was getting breath from him.

He wasted no time in gathering me to him, and we were locked in each other's arms, tasting and nipping at one another like starving animals right there on the front stoop of my building.

My hands traveled down to his chest, rubbing over his hard pecs through his button-down and gliding over his abdomen.

He growled into my mouth, and dimly, I was aware of somebody calling from the sidewalk, "Holy hell, get a room, you two!"

That was enough to make us pull apart, but we only looked at one another, breathing hard.

Tired of second-guessing myself, I acted before I could overthink and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside the building, and telling him, "Come on."

He held my hand and followed obediently as I led him to my apartment and opened the door with trembling hands.

As soon as we were inside, he shut it behind us with a resounding slam, then gathered me up in his arms again, twirling me around so my back was against the door, hitting it with a soft thud. His mouth hovered over mine, and he stared at my face before saying in a low voice, "There's no fighting, Reagan. There's no fighting this." He pressed against me, and I could feel his erection through his pants, and a jolt of excitement traveled up my spine.

He kissed me again, and my fingers developed a mind of their own, ripping at his buttons, needing to get skin-on-skin contact as quickly as possible. Once I'd undone the buttons, Adam shrugged off the shirt that fell to the floor, then my hands went to the fly of his pants, undoing them, then shoving his pants down.

We became a tangle of limbs and clothes, struggling to get out of them and leaving them strewn about the floor until we were finally free of most of our outer barriers and left in our underwear. By then, we had managed to make it to the hallway, and I stood in the opening of that hallway as he looked me over hungrily.

Maybe I should've been nervous about what he was seeing. Maybe I should've been self-conscious, but at that moment, I felt proud and wanted. Somehow, I knew that Adam was seeing me. Not the body that had run for so many years and kept in shape. Not the woman who knew how to put on a face full of makeup and make it look good. Not the woman who was always in charge of every situation. God dammit, there was no way I was in charge of this situation, and for once, I did not care. No, he was seeing me in all of my vulnerable glory, and he looked like he was going to swallow me whole, and oh, how I wanted him to.

"Adam, if you don't come over here in the next two seconds, I'm going to—" I never got a chance to threaten him because he was on me then, stalking me down the hall as I giggled delightedly, running into my room. He chased after me playfully and tackled me to my bed.

"Don't toy with me, Reagan," he threatened.

"Or what?" I challenged. This is what I loved about us together, the arguing. Even as he drove me crazy, he turned me on more than any man had ever been able to. I could admit that to myself, at this moment, even as part of me knew I would have to work it out in my head tonight later. But right then, laid out across my bed in my lacy underwear with this beautiful man looking at me so severely, like one little move on my part would untether him, I had to admit to myself just how turned on he made me in every way.

"Or I'm gonna make you finally realize that you might just like to be told what to do in the bedroom—by me, of all people— make you admit that you want me, Reagan."

"Didn't I already admit that?" I said, arching an eyebrow, referring to my blurted confession in his car.

"You did, actually." He smiled and said in a low, seductive, voice, "But I'm talking about making you scream it out loud." Before I could answer, he covered my mouth, teasing and nipping at my lips as his large hands wedged beneath my back and my mattress and expertly unhooked my bra. He tore the lacy scrap of fabric away from me, drinking in the sight of my bare breasts.

"Okay, you want to prove that I like being told what to do in the bedroom so much. Then tell me what to do, Dr. Rollins?" I told him in what I hoped was a seductive voice.

He looked at me, his eyes dilated, looking feral as he rose off the bed. He kept up that eye contact as he rolled down his underwear and kicked them off to the side. I bit my lip as I eyed his engorged manhood. He really did have a beautiful cock. Before, a dick was just a dick, right? But Adam was a sight to behold.

He caught me staring at him hungrily, a mischievous smile overtaking his lips. "I think I have an idea of what you want to do first, even if you would never admit it, so we'll start there."

He looked around my room, seemingly truly seeing it for the first time since he'd been inside it. Then, he spotted the overstuffed chair I kept in the corner for reading. His eyes lit up when he saw that, and he strode over to it and plopped down, his knees spread and his erection bobbing, tempting me closer. "Come here," he ordered.

My mouth watered as I grew closer, remembering the very images I had orgasmed to the night before and wondering how he knew what I had been craving so badly.

I went to him, standing in just my panties.

"Get on your knees," he said. I did as I was told, holding eye contact as I dropped to my knees before him. He then looked at me as I dared to look at his throbbing dick jutting proudly at my gaze. Admiring the thick vein running along it, the engorged purple head, I couldn’t help but lick my lips.

"Reagan?" he called, drawing my eyes back to his, seeming to need some sort of confirmation that this was what I wanted. I bit my lip, smiling at him and his brown eyes darkened to almost black. I saw his fingers dig into the arms of the chairs as he bit out, "Be a good girl and suck my cock."

My smile widened as I leaned over his lap and slipped out my tongue to flick at the tip of his dick. He let out a hiss, and I held his eyes as I proceeded to lick the tip of him like a lollipop, moaning at the taste of pre-cum that had already erupted.

"Jesus Christ, Reagan," he hissed in a barely contained growl.

I just let that encourage me more, taking the tip of him into my mouth and then slowly working inch by inch, as my hand reached down and cupped his heavy balls, massaging them.
