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I could feel the muscles in his thighs tense around me as I let myself go. I loved the way he felt, the way he sounded as I pleasured him, so much so that I was almost ready to come myself. But I wasn't about to lose out on what it felt like to have him inside me, though that wouldn't mean I wasn't going to thoroughly enjoy this give and take of control. For all of his giving me orders, I knew down in the tight heat of my pussy that I was in charge right now, especially with the way he bucked up his hips and his breathing became ragged.

I lost myself in the sounds of his moans when his hand dug into my hair and pulled me back. I let out a protest, but before I could express too much outrage, he gathered me up in his arms and propelled us both towards the bed. "You like sucking my cock, Reagan? Tell me."

I nodded my head enthusiastically. "Yes." I moaned as I spread my legs before him. "I fucking love it, now, get inside me."

He let out a tortured laugh as he positioned himself in between my knees. Though I often fantasized about how good he had been at eating me out during our time together, right now, all I could think about was the feel of that thick shaft filling up my pussy. I needed it…bad.

He put his weight on his forearms and stared into my eyes as he positioned the tip of his cock at my sopping entrance. An arrogant grin overtook his lips, a grin that both annoyed me and tugged at my heart. "I see it really does turn you on, naughty girl," he said, shoving inside me, and we both groaned at the way his cock stretched me tight around him.

"Enough small talk, please, just fuck me." My hands clung to his shoulders, and he began moving his hips.

There was nothing slow and gentle about the way Adam moved inside me, and yet, I loved it. I loved the intense way he looked at me the entire time, I loved it so much I didn't even realize that I had given Adam exactly what he had aimed for. I hadn't even realized that I had been screaming out my pleasure. "Yes, fuck, yes, Adam. Fuck me harder," I told him, and he happily obliged. "That's it, fuck me like I'm your toy, yes, yes!"

"Oh, my God, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with the tightest, sweetest pussy," he growled against my neck. I reveled in his words, gasping for air, but it was his next words that left me completely breathless. "That's it, Reagan. Goddamn, I never want another pussy…just yours…just you. Oh, my god, that's it, I'm gonna come."

I should've been freaked out, I should've stopped things right there, but his words sent my body over the edge. My pussy tightened around his cock, milking it for all it was worth, and I screamed out as I came hard around him. Adam quickly followed, shouting out his release.

He collapsed on top of me in a sweaty mess, and I rejoiced in the feeling of him there. His weight was comforting and having him in my arms just fed the euphoria of my post orgasmic bliss.

We lay there for long moments, letting the ceiling fan dry our sweat and catching our breath.

I tried to shut my mind off. I just wanted to enjoy this moment of closeness with him. But my mind kept yanking me back to trying to figure things out. Being analytical and rational was essential for my job, but there were a lot of times that I really resented it in my personal life, especially now.

Adam's words kept boomeranging back to me.

"I never want another pussy…just yours…"

That had to be a just in the moment kind of statement, right?

Slowly, Adam pulled back to look down at me. His brow furrowed. "Oh, no, no, no, come on, Regan. You can't be back in your head already."

I bristled. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Well, it's definitely a mood killer," he argued.

"That's not fair. You can't deny that we probably shouldn't have done that," I insisted, hating myself as I said the words.

"And why the hell not? I think I can deny that all day long because it's bullshit."

"You've got to be kidding me, Adam. You and I are not well-suited for each other. We just happen to be really good at sex together," I said, even as my heart questioned my words.

"You don't believe that," he said flatly. "You don't believe anything that's coming out of your mouth, do you? You're just trying to say whatever you think you need to say to get me out of your hair, so that you don't have to face complicated feelings. God forbid you have to do something complicated."

"You don't know me that well," I argued, "so don't act like you even have a clue of what I'm thinking."

"Yeah, well, here's a newsflash for you, Reagan. Do you wanna know why I can tell that you're full of shit and that you're lying to yourself? Because it's just what I would normally do. That's why we argue so much, right? Because we're so much alike. But you don't wanna see that. I guess you want to think that your problems are special—that your nerves about relationships aren’t all that different from anybody else's. Or I guess I didn't check the correct boxes, right? I mean, not like Brian did…for all the good that did."

"Shut up," I told him angrily. "You don't get to come in here and throw all that stuff in my face like you fucking have a clue. Do you know what? Get out!"

"You're kicking me out? Really? Just because I have the balls to call you on your bullshit?"

"My bullshit? You're getting after me about my hangups, Mr. I-never-do-relationships. ‘Love is a crock of shit.’ Did I get that right? I mean, I know I'm not putting it verbatim per se, but that's pretty damn close, isn't it?"

He nodded. "It's pretty close, yes. But here's another news flash, Reagan. Things change. I never thought that I would be so involved with my best friend's stuck-up ex-girlfriend."

I felt my mouth drop open. "Stuck-up?"

"That's right, stuck-up, but then I got to know you. I saw how you worry and take care of that sweet little boy, and things changed. You can't tell me that nothing has changed for you," he said, breathing heavily, his brown eyes open and bright with emotion.
