Page 88 of Champion

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“We’ll keep them alive together, baby,” I said. “Every day in every way we can. And we’ll always keep the light on.”


IT WASN’T LIKE there was one moment when I realized my certainty outweighed any doubt.

It happened gradually as one night with Champion turned into two. Then, before I realized it, an entire week had passed, seven glorious nightmare-free nights in Champion’s bed. Lights were left on throughout the house. Memories were welcome in his home, and so was I. Each day, more of my stuff and Ally’s was transferred from our apartment to his house.

No longer alone, Champion and I did everything together. I even took him to my favorite hairdresser. She trimmed his hair short on the sides, leaving long silky layers on top that I could run my fingers through.

We made love every night, usually more than once. Our hunger for each other was insatiable. We ate breakfast and lunch together, dinners too, late at night at restaurants where Champion pulled strings to have chefs cook after hours for us.

At the club, I started training Ruby. Champion came every night to watch me dance.

The only thing that brought any uneasiness into our bubble of burgeoning happiness was the numerous phone calls from Champion’s agent on Simon’s behalf. The owner of the Lonestars wanted to talk to his quarterback about playing another year, and today was the day Champion was meeting with him.

“Smells good.”

Champion walked up behind me. Placing his hands on my hips, he sent warmth rushing through me as he brushed my hair to the front and pressed his warm lips to the sensitive skin at my nape.

“Champion.” I moaned. Just that caress and the grip of his hands tightened my nipples and made my clit throb. “You’re going to make me burn your omelet.”

His fingers flexing deeper into my flesh, he gathered silk in his grip, drawing the hem of my chemise up. “Make another one,” he rumbled low near my ear. “I missed you. I don’t like showering alone.”


“Hey, guys.” Ally cleared her throat, and when I shifted to glance at her, she rolled her eyes. “At the PDA, even this early.”

“Champion has an early meeting with Simon, the owner of the Lonestars.” My voice was all breathy. “Why are you up?”

On nights we danced, we usually slept until near noon. But I didn’t regret my lack of sleep. Sleeping with Champion, sharing with him, made me feel lighter, less walled off in my grief. I still had digging out to do. The wall wasn’t completely dismantled, but there was a chink in it that let in light.

“There’s a bunch of news vans parked outside,” Ally told us, hooking a thumb over her shoulder. “A crowd of reporters trampling your front lawn.” She arched a brow. “Is it usually like this?”

She made her way to the island bar and climbed onto a barstool.

“Media is outside?” Champion asked. Frowning when she nodded, he released me. “No, that’s not usual.”

His phone rang. On the counter near Ally, it lit up and vibrated. She pushed it toward him. I saw the caller ID. Knight and Knight Associates.

“My agency,” he said grimly, taking the call.

Watching him, I plated his omelet and turned off the gas.

“Champion speaking.” Whatever they said made his brows pull together. His gaze flicked to me, then Ally.

Nervous and needing something to do, I went to get my bestie some coffee. I slid a full mug to her and topped up my own cup, even taking a sip, and still Champion hadn’t spoken.

What was going on?

“It’s not like that,” he said, his blue eyes finding and melding to my silver. “I’m in a relationship with Electra.”

He nodded to whatever the person on the line said, the crease between his brows deepening.

“Yes, she dances at Fantasy, but we met in Saint Croix.” He tilted his head. “She’s the one, Carl. This isn’t an affair. I would have explained that to your daughter, but I didn’t like the way she spoke to Electra.”

His handsome features tightened, and my cheeks warmed. My heart was doing crazy pirouettes at the knowledge he was defending me.

“I don’t want to wait to go public. That’s the statement I want to make.” He shook his head. “No, there’s no threesome.” He raked his free hand through his shorter hair. “Ally is my daughter. Her mother was my girlfriend in high school. Carlotta never told me she went through with the pregnancy.” His gaze moved to Ally. “Hold on. Are you okay if I make this public?”
