Page 89 of Champion

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Ally smiled so big, her lone dimple popped.

“And you?” Champion glanced at me.

“Absolutely.” I was all in. Sure, I was scared, but I wasn’t scared by myself anymore.

Looking pleased, Champion uncovered his phone.

“They’re both okay with it.” He tapped his fingers on his thigh. “Right, I hate pressers, but okay, I’ll do it. This afternoon is fine. Wait.” His fingers stopped drumming. “You’ll have to make it for the late afternoon. I’m meeting with Simon earlier.” He shook his head. “No, I wasn’t planning to agree to any specifics without you being there. Okay, okay, keep your pants on. I’ll wait for you. I won’t even speak about generalities until you arrive. Oh, and before you hang up.”

His gaze bumping to me, he stared at me so intently, the fine hairs on the back of my arms stood on end.

“Make it the Crystal Hotel for the presser. They have a tropical pool and a big space on the lawn. I want nice chairs and tables set up outside. My daughter and Electra will both be there too. We’ll see you soon.”

He ended the call.

“Was that your agent?” Ally asked.

“Yeah,” Champion said.

“Was that all about us?” I asked.

“Mostly. Come here.”

He crooked his long fingers, and I went to him without hesitation. What better place was there to be? If he was nearby, I wanted to be closer. I wasn’t running anymore, not from us.

“Photos of us have surfaced. They’re all over the internet.” He dropped that loaded bit of information that made my heart race and enfolded me in his arms.

“Wow.” Ally’s blue eyes rounded. “What kind of photos?”

“When did they take photos?” My gaze narrowed. “Where?” I hadn’t noticed anyone around.

“They follow me all the time,” Champion said. “Nearly every day. But I thought that was over after the Super Bowl. Apparently not, and they think me going to Fantasy to watch you every night is a big deal.”

Champion squeezed me.

“They were around when we went to your apartment last night. They got photos of me, you, and Ally. We’re trending news on all the major outlets. They’re speculating that I’m having an affair with two women.”

“Oh.” My mouth formed a surprised circle.

Ally just smiled.

“Carl is setting up a press conference,” Champion told us. “I want to introduce you both. Correct the misconception. Tell the media and everyone else what you mean to me.”

“How many people will be there?” I asked.

“Not as many as attend one of your shows.” He gave that some consideration. “But it might be close.”

“That’s a lot.”

“Yeah.” He turned me around so I faced Ally. She didn’t look concerned. “Things like this are a part of what I do, or at least they are right now. It’s not my favorite. I’d rather just play football and let my efforts on the field speak for me.”

“But that’s not the way it works.” I bit down on my lip.

“Right.” He squeezed me again. “It won’t be so bad doing it together.”

“I’m there for you, Dad.” Ally gave him two thumbs-up.

“Me too.” I agreed, but my heart started racing. I didn’t want what I did to reflect badly on him.
