Page 87 of Champion

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“It wasn’t your fault.” I framed her beautiful face, stroked her soft skin.

“Wasn’t it?” she asked bitterly.

“Another car came in your lane,” I said angrily. “How the hell could that be your fault?”

“It wasn’t a car,” she said softly. “It was a semi, a tractor trailer.”

Fucking hell. My mouth went dry.

“I had a concussion in addition my other injuries,” she said as I faltered. “The doctors said loss of memory often happens with traumatic brain injuries. I dream about the accident, though.”

Tears filled her eyes, stars glittering beneath a deluge.

“I hear them screaming, but the hospital psychiatrists told me they couldn’t have. That they died on impact before our car rolled.” She shuddered.

“I’m so sorry, Electra.” I wrapped my arms around her.

She spoke in a matter-of-fact tone about an incident that shook me to the core. I could have lost her. Just the mere idea made it difficult for me to breathe.

I kissed the tears from her cheeks. “I wish it never happened. Wish they were still here. Wish I could have met them.”

“I wish that too. They would have loved you.”

She gave me a smile that wobbled, but it was more beautiful, not less, for the strength it required for her to attempt it. Her inner beauty and strength shone brightly, despite what she’d been through. Maybe we both had to go through difficult things to be the people we were today. Two parts broken, but whole when put together.

“With my injuries,” she whispered, “I missed their funeral. I never got a chance to say a formal good-bye. Ally thinks lack of closure is why I have nightmares.”

“Maybe she’s right.” There was a part of me that remained raw after cutting my father out of my life. I’d been ignoring that wound rather than suturing it closed.

“Maybe you could say good-bye to them now. I could help you.” I could say good-bye to my mom too. Try to let go of the lingering resentment toward my father. Taking her hand, I said, “We could do it together. Want me to start?”

“Yes.” She nodded somberly.

“What was your dad’s name?”


“Roger.” I aimed my eyes heavenward, knowing without a doubt that was where he had to be. “I want to thank you for being you. For loving Electra the way you did. I see parts of you in her.”

“Thank you.” Her eyes went watery again.

“And your mother?” I asked.

“Her name was Meredith.”

“Meredith. Your daughter is practical like she tells me you were. She is generous with her love. She loves me, after all. Not because of what I do for a living, but because she sees a man inside that’s worthy of her affection. In her, I see a woman who is more beautiful to her core than anyone I have ever known. I look forward to learning more about you, your husband, and your daughter, Christina.”

“What’s your mom’s name?” Electra asked.

“Nadine,” I told her, my throat tight.

“Nadine,” Electra said. “Thank you for showing Champion how to love. He is a wonderful man—tender, caring, and strong.”

The sweetness of her words washing over me, I took and gathered her hands. “I love you.”

I made the conscious decision to choose Electra. I let go of my lingering bitterness toward my father, filling my heart, my mind, and all the empty spaces inside with her love and acceptance instead.

“Mom, Dad, Chris,” Electra said, her voice shaking. “I love you. I miss you.” Her fingers flexed beneath mine. “You’re out of physical reach, but Champion’s right, you’re here with us. You’ll always be alive inside me.”
