Page 85 of Champion

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“Thank you,” she murmured as I snagged a nearby throw and tucked it around her shapely legs. “You help just by being here.”

“I’m glad.” In fact, knowing that made me feel like I’d won another Super Bowl.

“I’ll share freely if you will.”

“Deal.” I nodded. “So, tell me what woke you up.” I tucked a long strand of her night-sky-colored hair behind her ear.

“It was dark,” she said. “I don’t like the dark—”

“Because the accident happened at night.” I cut her off with my guess.

“Yes.” She nodded. “And I guess, you remind me of him.”

“Your father?” I asked.


“Not sure how I feel about that.”

“Not in a creepy way.” She made a face. “In a good way. He was big and strong but gentle like you. He never minded being woken up either. If I had a bad dream or just wanted to talk about something, he made time to listen. He showed me I was a priority. Not just me, but my sister and my mom too.”

“He sounds like a wonderful dad.” Not at all like mine.

“He was funny. He made me laugh.” Electra’s gaze turned unfocused as I stroked her back. “He liked to tease and didn’t mind being teased back. In fact, I think he set himself up on purpose.”

“How so?” I asked softly.

I didn’t want to break the spell. I wanted her to keep talking. She was relaxing into me, and I was eager to know about the man who helped her become the person she was.

“It was his way to make you feel comfortable. Since he was big, you know, and a little intimidating.” She tilted her head. “He taught me never to take myself too seriously. Better to find humor in your foibles than to be defensive about them, right?”

“Yes, that’s wise.” I took that in, determined to pass that on to Ally too if I could. “Tell me some more.”

Her lips curved. “He liked romantic comedies.”

“No way.” I shook my head.

“Way.” She nodded, and her smile grew.

That warmth in my chest expanded at the knowledge that I was helping her, making her smile just moments after feeling sad.

“He liked them more than any of the women in the house, especially the older movies. He said they had more dialogue. Like that was a good thing for a guy.” She smirked. “Heaven Can Wait was one of his favorites.”

“Really?” My brows rose. “The one about the quarterback who dies but wants to win the Super Bowl?”

“You would fixate on the football aspect.”

Her gaze refocused. Her eyes warm on mine, I felt seen the way I wanted to be seen. I was her champion. I was the man I wanted to be.

“A big part of the movie is the love story.” The curve to her mouth deepened. “How his love interest recognizes his soul, no matter whose body it’s in.”

I would be drawn to Electra whatever form she took or name she chose to use.

“And your mom.” I changed the subject slightly. “What was she like?”

“She was the practical one. Even though he was the accountant, working with facts and figures all day. At home, she loved to bake. My sister, Christina, did too. She was the best of both my parents. I’ll make you one of their fruit pies soon.”

“I’d love that, baby.”
