Page 62 of Champion

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“Of course you didn’t,” she said after a considering moment. “But you’ve said that twice.”

“It’s important to point out, and you should know I ended it on the island.”

And I’d ended it here again. It wasn’t getting easier. My mouth wobbled, and my heart flopped against my ribs. It didn’t feel right apart from him.

“I didn’t give him my last name. When I left the island, I thought that would be the end of it. But—”

“He found you,” she said. “At the club last night when he visited with Zack.”

“Yes.” I dropped my chin. Gripping my leather purse strap, I twisted it. She was surprisingly in the know when it concerned the two men who were important to her.

“Champion was bound to show up at Fantasy at some point. He’s best friends with Zack.”

She flicked on the blinker, her biceps flexing. The power steering on the old Caprice Classic required the strength of the driver to turn it rather than anything mechanical.

“I’m surprised it’s taken him this long.” She glanced at me. “Did Champion see my performance?”

“No.” I shook my head. “He just arrived in time to see me.”

“That’s a relief, at least.” She made a face. “So, he saw you dance, threw you over his shoulder, and took you home with him?”

“Something like that,” I mumbled.

“He’s really into you.”

“Maybe.” But that interaction with Twila had me doubting everything.

“It would be romantic, except that he’s my father.” Ally gave me another glare. “And Mercedes’ lover.”

“Former,” I said. “It’s over between them. He ended it last night.”

“Oh.” Her brows rose. “Surprising development.” She slowed the sedan. The brakes squealed, protesting loudly. “Do you think she knows about you two?”

“Maybe.” I twisted the leather tighter. “Probably not about us hooking up on the island, but she has to know something’s going on since I left the club with him last night.”

There were cameras all over Fantasy. I knew that. I’d just grown accustomed to them being there.

“If she’s mad, I guess she’ll fire me.”

“Unlikely. You’re her best dancer,” Ally said, but not firmly enough to alleviate that concern. “She’s not going to fire you.”

“Time will tell.” I pursed my lips.

It would be upsetting if I lost my job, but I could find another. I just didn’t want to. Ally wouldn’t be there, or Jeremy, or any of the other dancers who had become like family.

“You mentioned how gentle the guy on the island was,” Ally said as she directed Bertha over the freeway overpass. She was taking a longer route to our apartment because the old sedan didn’t do highway speed. “That’s not a term I’ve ever heard anyone use to describe Champion.”

“He’s strong, but he uses that strength to make me feel safe and protected.” I stared out my window, bringing my thoughts together while watching the businesses and homes deteriorate the closer we got to our side of town. “I tried to hide it, but he saw my scar, so I told him about the accident. I think that plays ... played a part in how he acted with me.”

It certainly factored deeply that he’d been understanding, and further that he’d shared parts of his background with me that I didn’t think most knew.

“He’s considerate,” she said. “Not something my mother ever mentioned.”

“He’s cocky and demanding too.” I thought it important to point that out. He certainly wasn’t unflawed. “But when I give in to his demands, I get things I very much like.”

“He’s dominant sexually, you mean?”

“Yeah.” I glanced at her. “Definitely.” My cheeks flamed, even though she was looking at the road, thankfully, and not me.
