Page 61 of Champion

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I followed her and closed the door.

Locating my phone, I unplugged it from the charger cord and called Fantasy. It was the only number I knew to call to get a hold of Electra. I bit back a curse when I got voice mail.

I was going to have to call Mercedes at home to get Electra’s phone number, and that pissed me off nearly as much as Electra taking off after leaving me a brush-off note. When I found her, I was going to spank her ass and then fuck her so hard and so good that she would beg to stay in my bed.

My lips curved. Yeah, I liked that scenario a lot. Everything was clear when I was inside her. It was the rest that I was less confident about.


“SO, EL.”

Ally gave me a pointed look after I closed the creaky passenger door of our rusted-out land barge. Bertha wasn’t much, but she got us from point A to B with only Ally driving it since I didn’t get behind the wheel anymore.

“Are you going to tell me what the Sam hell you’re doing at my father’s house?”

She knew where Champion lived. Of course she did. I wasn’t going to get a chance to break the news to her gently.

I sighed. “Did Jeremy tell you where Champion lives?”

“Yes.” Frowning, she steered the sedan away from the curb. “He’s driven Mercedes to meet Champion more than once.”

“Right.” I rearranged my purse. It didn’t need rearranging, but I needed a moment to gather my thoughts.

“He spills interesting secrets if he drinks more than one lemon drop.”

“Good to know,” I said, then let it all out in an undignified rush. “I didn’t mean for it to h-happen.”

My throat and chest were too tight in the aftermath of leaving Champion. Plus, Twila. Did Champion have a casual thing with her too?

“I wanted ... I thought ... but it was only a hookup.”

“Swizzle sticks.” Ally gave me a quick narrow-eyed glance.

She often used nonsensical words rather than actual curses. Unable to control much living with her mother and numerous stepfathers, she’d decided her language was one thing she could. The other was making her environment pretty. She did that with her fabric creations.

“You have feelings for him,” she said.

Even just in profile, I could see that her aquamarine eyes pinched even further with her concern.

I was falling for Champion—for real, no fantasy—but I didn’t admit that. It was too crazy, but crazy was how I’d felt about him from the beginning, doing the opposite of what was wise, just so I could spend more time with him.

“Champion is the guy you met in Saint Croix,” she said, guessing correctly. It certainly wasn’t hard to put the clues together. “He’s the one you’ve been mourning since you returned.”

“Yes,” I said. I’d shared how I had connected on more than just a physical level with the guy in Saint Croix, but had stealthily avoided giving her his name.

“You had a hot, tropical fling with my biological father.” Her tone disbelieving, she blew out a breath.

“I’m sorry, Ally.” I didn’t bother denying it. “I should have told you. Please don’t be mad.”

“He’s twice your age.” The frown she’d been wearing since she picked me up deepened.

“Not quite twice.” Though she was angry, and rightly so, I was relieved to have the secret removed from between us.

“He’s rich and famous.” She drummed on the unraveling leather around the steering wheel. “Possibly the best quarterback to play the game. Women think he’s irresistibly handsome. Theoretically, I get the appeal.”

All that was his mystique, but there was so much more to him.

“He was there. I was there.” I shrugged as if what had transpired wasn’t a huge deal. “I didn’t plan for it to happen.”
