Page 48 of Champion

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“Because I had what I wanted then.” I gave it her straight. “You.”

“Champion ...” She breathed out my name longingly, the way I liked ... no, I loved. “Nothing is settled. I have to go to my apartment. My roommate is waiting up for me.”

“Call her. Tell her you’re going home with me.”

“It’s not that easy.” Her eyes wide and furtive, her front teeth sank into her plump bottom lip. My cock leaped, getting ideas. “We were supposed to watch our favorite show together. Jeremy was going to take me home.”


Excuses. I recognized what they were, I just didn’t know why she was making them. We were hot together. She’d admitted that.

Was the age difference the reason she had reservations? I hoped not. That was something I couldn’t change. My brows drew together.

“Who is Jeremy?” I asked and then went further. “Your roommate is a woman, correct?”

“Jeremy is our dressing-room attendant. He does our makeup. He’s a good friend.” She tilted her head, her long glossy hair sliding over her slender shoulder. “He’s Mercedes best friend. Didn’t you know that?”

“No, I didn’t. Mercedes and I never really talked like you and I do. We just, you know.” I shrugged.

“Oh, okay.” Her eyes bright, Electra pressed her lips into a thin line.

Was she jealous? I certainly hoped so. I was jealous of Zack and every guy who had visited Fantasy and gotten to see her nearly naked. And Jake, fucking hell.

Rather than think about him and beating the shit out of him, I reached for her, curling my fingers around her slender arms. The red haze cleared from my vision.

“You have no reason to be jealous,” I said softly.

“I’m not jealous.” Her chin came up.

She so was.

“I’m jealous of Jeremy.” I gave her my truth. “Zack, hell, every man who has ever visited Fantasy and seen you dance.” My fingers flexed. “And Jake Marvel—”

“He wasn’t so marvelous.” She frowned, cutting me off, and just like that, my jealousy faded away.

“Ah, well. Good, then.” My eyes narrowed. “Stay away from him. He’s bad news.” He was handsome, cocky as hell like me, and near her age. “Is Jeremy the guy who introduced you tonight?”

“He’s awesome.” She nodded.

“How awesome?” My gaze narrowed more.

“Totally awesome.” Her eyes danced. “But he’s not into women.”

Good fucking news. I didn’t need any more competition.

“So, call your roommate and then let Jeremy know you’re coming home with me.”

“I don’t know.” Her bottom lip went between her teeth again.

“You do know.” Fucking hell, I was done with her giving me grief. “I want to fuck you again and hold you, and you want that too.”

Her gaze heated within its kohl frame.

“Go on,” I said. “Do what you need to do to get ready.”

“It could be a while. As a headliner, I get a percentage of ticket sales. I need to cash out. Hang up my costume.”

What costume, I wanted to say, but sucked back that quip.
