Page 47 of Champion

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Champion put the broken pieces of me back together. It should have been impossible, but it was undeniable. He made me feel whole.


“YOU OKAY?” I moved behind Electra on the bed.

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I forced my grip to be light. I knew I couldn’t bind her to me like I had during sex, but I wanted to. There was something between us. Something that I needed and feared because of how badly I needed it.

“You’re not thinking about running away again, are you?” I asked.

“I’m okay.” She avoided making eye contact, tying the belt on her robe while I watched her in the full-length mirror by the bed.

She’d answered one question but not the other. I frowned, noting that and the slight chafing on her wrists.

“You didn’t hurt me.” She spun around, and I took advantage of the opportunity to slip my arms around her waist.

“I didn’t mean to cinch the belt so tight.” I clasped my hands together, resting them loosely but firmly on her lower back.

“It wasn’t too tight. My skin’s just sensitive.” Her expressive silver eyes darkened. “I liked what you did. What we did. It was hot.”

“I liked it too.” I tucked away the information she shared. To me, everything I learned about her felt like a treasure. “Come home with me. I want you to spend the night.” I didn’t want to let her go and didn’t relish returning to my empty house alone.

“I can’t.” Her pretty features that were enhanced by her stage makeup tightened. “My roommate is expecting me at our apartment, and anyway, we can’t do this anymore.”

“Why the hell not?” My nostrils flared.

“Mercedes, for one.” Electra slid out of my arms and off the bed.

She was pulling away from me. Again. That made me not just angry, but panicked.

Was Mercedes the reason she ran from me in Saint Croix? After the call I received and our conversation afterward, Electra had split. My gut told me this was it.

“I ended my arrangement with Mercedes,” I said. I saw no need to point out that, technically, Mercedes had ended it first.

Electra turned around. Her expression was softer, and encouraged by that, I gave her all of it.

“We were never exclusive, but after Saint Croix, it didn’t feel right to continue.” I watched closely for Electra’s reaction.

“Oh.” Her sexy mouth rounded, no longer tinted by lipstick.

“I don’t want anyone but you.”

I laid it out plainly and climbed off the bed, closing the distance she’d created between us. One stride took me where I wanted to be. As the hard front of me met the sexy front of her, my cock came right to attention, ready for another round.


“No, buts,” I snapped, cutting her off. “We started something in Saint Croix that I want to continue.”

I swallowed hard. This wasn’t a game. I had no experience. No plan. I just knew how she made me feel, and I didn’t want to lose her more than I feared fucking it up.

“Don’t you?”

“Yes, but—”

“So, it’s settled,” I said. “We’re doing this.”

I didn’t allow myself to think about how badly I had botched the one relationship I’d had back in high school. I’d been only a boy then under his father’s thumb. I was a man now. A man at a crossroads, sure, but one who knew what—who—he wanted.

“You were bossy in Saint Croix.” She wrinkled her nose. “But not like this.”
