Page 46 of Champion

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Reaching my pussy, he dipped his hand beneath the red triangle decorating it. I sucked in a sharp breath and let it out on a moan when he found and swept his thumb over the slippery surface of my swollen clit.

“Beautiful.” He withdrew his hand. “Responsive like before.”

“Don’t stop.” I whimpered a protest.

My lust-filled eyes on him, a needy shiver rolled through me when he placed his glistening thumb in his mouth and licked it clean.

“Champion, please.” I pouted. “Don’t tease.”

“What do you want, Electra?” He cocked a dark blond brow.

“I want you inside me,” I said huskily.

His dark smile widened, creasing both sides of his handsome face.

“Good girl.” He grasped the twin strings on my hips and ripped my G-string away. “You get what you want.” Covering my pussy with his palm, he said, “Just hold on one sec.”

Grabbing a condom packet from the bed, he tore it open and rolled it on. He wiped his hand on the sheet before grabbing my thighs and spreading me open.

“Eyes on me,” he said on a growl.

“Yes, Champion.” I brought my gaze up and held my breath as his cock nudged my entrance.

“I never liked my name or the expectations that went with it,” he said, “until I heard it spilling so prettily from your lips.” His blue eyes dark and glistening with emotion, he held my gaze as he slowly slid his cock inside me.

“My Champion.” I moaned. If he could be possessive, so could I. Here and now, when it was just us one last time, nothing was forbidden.

“My Saint Croix Girl.” He withdrew until only the engorged head of his cock stretched me, and then he slid inside again.

“That feels so good.”

I wanted to grab his narrow hips, race my worshipful hands all over him, but I was restrained. I’d never done bondage before, but I loved doing it with him. I was free to surrender to him and my desire.

He stroked in and out masterfully. I took what he gave. I was his, completely and without reservation. In this, there was no denying it.

He drove so deep, he seemed to kiss my soul, then withdrew shallowly. I moved with him, keeping pace, basking in the glow, rejoicing in being his.

Again and again, he drove deep. He was hot, so hard, and he filled me so full.


He pounded into me faster and harder, making my tits bounce. The ache inside my pussy grew. I lifted my hips, taking him deeper, but it wasn’t deep enough. I needed more, and he gave it to me. Grabbing my hips, he pulled me up into his next thrust.

My scalp and toes crackling with need, I warned, “I’m close.”

“You’ll come when I tell you.”

As he hammered his glorious cock into me, my release built. My body tingled, and my muscles tightened. He circled his hips, grinding into my needy clit just right.

“Please,” I begged. “Oh yes, please.”

“Come, baby.”

He drove deep, and I unraveled. On fire, I let go. Stiffening, he took us over the edge. I broke into a thousand shimmering pieces as he groaned and filled me. I pulsed around his hot cock.

Afterward, he smoothed my hair and tenderly unwound the leather from my wrists.

Our gazes connected like our bodies, he languidly stroked in and out of me a few more times.
