Page 19 of Champion

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“Oh, Champion,” she murmured, my name spilling from her mouth.

Using her hands on my shoulders for leverage, she slammed her greedy cunt down on my hungry cock. Not to be outdone, I quickened my pace. The sound of our rapid breaths and the slaps of our desperate flesh coming together expanded the already pregnant air.

“Electra.” I squeezed her bare ass cheeks hard, and when she tightened around me, my balls drew up. “You feel so good.” She was perfection.

“Oh yes, Champion,” she cried.

Chasing her own release, she arched beautifully. Her beautiful silver gaze dipped, her eyes meeting mine. Staring into her passion-filled gaze, I came undone, and so did she.

“Yes, Champion, oh yes.”

Feeling the rhythmic tremors of her release, I let go too, throwing my head back and roaring as I planted my cock deep. Savagely, I filled her, pulse after white-hot pulse. My greedy night goddess took what I gave, milking from me every last pearly drop.

“Electra.” I opened my eyes as I came down. Letting my gaze drift over her, I marveled at how beautiful she was. Her eyes were heavily lidded, her lips swollen from my kisses. She looked as blissed as I felt.

“That was amazing.” Her lush lips parted. “Wow.”

Her silver eyes wearing a smoky sheen, she smoothed her delicate hands across my shoulders. Sparks blazed in response to her touch.

“Amazing that we are doing it again,” I said, determined.

Unwilling to release her, I stroked in and out of her tight little pussy a few more times. Pleasurable aftershocks trembled the ground beneath me. I’d never come so hard, never felt so moved by a woman.

Her silvery eyes blinked up at me. “But we said—”

“We’re having sex again,” I said firmly, cutting off any thought of protest.

No more rules, no holding anything back. I was having Electra in all the ways I’d imagined.

Amazing was good, but we weren’t stopping until she admitted I was the best she’d ever had.


ON MY WAY to the bathroom to get cleaned up, I let my hair fall forward, wanting to shield my expression from Champion’s view. I felt shy and vulnerable after hookup sex with him that didn’t feel like a hookup at all.

“Electra,” Champion called out in that deep, sexy rumble of his.

“Yeah?” Another pleasurable shiver rolling through me, I stopped a foot short of the bathroom.

“Are you okay?” He came up behind me, his hands falling heavy on my shoulders.

Tempting warmth flowed from him to me as he turned me around. Brushing my hair from my front to my back, he tipped my chin up.

“I’m fine.”

But I wasn’t fine. My emotions trembled too near the surface. Him checking up on me was dangerous to my heart, and he’d done it more than once, both before and after sex. Aftercare wasn’t supposed to be a part of hookup sex, at least not any I’d experienced.

“I wasn’t too rough?” He slid his large hands down my arms.

Gently gripping my elbows, he held me steady and studied me with unnerving intensity like he did the opposing team’s defense during a game. It was intimidating and thrilling being his sole focus.

“You were perfect.” Truthfully, sex with him had been so good, my damaged spirit had sprouted wings.

“You’re perfect.” His sky-blue eyes seeming like a safe place to fly, he stroked the back of his long fingers across my cheek.

“Far from it.” I licked my lips. My skin shimmered from his caress, and my throat was tight. “But thank you for saying that.”

“I’m not feeding you a line. I mean it.”
