Page 20 of Champion

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He took my hands and threaded our fingers together before lifting his head. Catching my gaze, he held it. He seemed a little uncertain about what he’d revealed, and seeing his vulnerability, I suddenly didn’t feel like shying away anymore. Why would I want to hide with him looking at me so approvingly?

“You’re sexy and gorgeous,” he said low, “and I never came so hard in my life.”

“I never have either,” I said, blushing.

I liked his raw honesty, liked how he told me what he was going to do in advance, and then delivered. The man knew how to kiss and fuck. Of course he did. He was older and experienced. Plus, it had been a while for me. After the accident, I’d lost interest in sex completely and had thrown myself into healing and work.

I didn’t have time for much else, and I liked it that way. It was safer.

His lips, those wonderfully talented lips, curved. He liked my assessment as much as I liked his.

“How’s your shower?” he asked. “Is the water pressure good?”

“Yes, it’s nice. Big enough for ...” I bit back the words, despite the heat flashing between us like the strike of a match. “I mean, you should go first.”

Retreat, Electra. Get your head together. You have your heart to protect and secrets to keep. This is one night only. Do not make it more than it is.

“I’ll have my turn after you,” I said when he gave me a curious look.

“No, that’s okay.” He studied me for an additional palpable beat. “Ladies first.”

I scoffed. “This isn’t the 1880s, old-timer.”

“Maybe not, but it’s the way I was raised.” He gestured. “Go ahead. I’ll just stay out here and enjoy the view.” His gaze swept over me. “While I have it in front of me, at least.”

“All right.”

My blush deepening, I turned away. I felt his gaze on me, grateful for my dress and the line of decorative pink fabric that gathered at my nape and ran down the center of my back to the base of my spine.

Inside the bathroom, I ducked behind the full wall out of view. I started to turn on the lights but hesitated.

What if Champion came in? He would see the scar that the dress hid, and I didn’t want him to see it. I didn’t want him uncovering any of the darker details of my life.

For one night, I wanted it to be this, Champion and Electra and the fantasy.

“You okay in there?” he asked.

His deep voice resonating concern made my nipples tingle.

“Yes.” I switched on the light. “Can you ...” I swallowed to moisten my throat. “Can you not come in?” There was no door to the en-suite bathroom to close. “There’s tape and stuff on my tits. I need to remove it before I shower, but it’s not a sexy process. Okay?”

“I’ll respect your privacy, babe.”

“Thank you.”

I exhaled my relief, but my tension didn’t go away. It wasn’t only my scar that I needed to keep secret.

• • •


I drifted around Electra’s hotel room, trying not to think about her being naked and wet inside a shower that was probably big enough for me to join her.

Glancing at the dresser, I looked for a distraction and noted the absence of clutter. In fact, the entire space was orderly. I kept my hotel rooms neat like she did when I traveled during the football season. I did it to counteract the chaos of being in a different city nearly every week. I wondered what Electra’s reason was.

On the other side of the dresser, the louvered doors to her closet were closed. I was tempted to peek inside, have a look at her clothes, something I’d never been tempted to do when with a woman, but Electra didn’t feel like just any woman. After having her, I didn’t want to run away and didn’t want to analyze why, any more than I wanted her to come out of the bathroom and find me riffling through her private things.

As I turned around, I paused when my gaze snagged on her suitcase tucked in the corner. There was a paper airline tag hanging off it. Wondering where she was from, I took a step toward it. But the shower suddenly switched off. Stopping, I turned just in time to watch her step into the room. She had a white towel wrapped around her sexy body.
