Page 18 of Champion

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“Like it’s just you and me,” she said softly. “Like nothing else matters.”

“It feels like that to me too.”

I swept the pad of my thumb across her petal-soft lips. Her shimmery watermelon-flavored gloss was long gone. I’d licked it away at the club. But they remained a temptation, like she was.

“What’s allowed tonight?” I asked, needing to know.

So many ideas swirled in my mind. I wanted to try all of them, explore all of her. I hadn’t done hookup sex outside of Mercedes in a while, but I remembered one thing. It was best to be aware of the ground rules.

“What do you want to do?” She slowly blinked her smoky gaze into focus. “I haven’t done this either. Not in a long time.” She bit down on her plush bottom lip.

For starters, I wasn’t going to get a nondisclosure signed like I should.

“I want you,” I said. “I want to fuck you. Fast and hard against the wall. Finish what we started at the club. I want your mouth around my cock, and I want to taste your pussy. I want to have you soft and slower later there in that bed.” I gestured, then turned my gaze back to hers. “I want my cock inside you any way you’ll allow it.”

She jumped me. Again. Catching her, I felt a slow, wicked grin spread over my face.

“Excellent.” I palmed her delectable ass. “Glad you agree with my agenda.”

Man, she pleased me. Electra had the flexibility and suppleness of a dancer, but she also had curves, and she wasn’t shy about going after what she wanted.

She moaned as I squeezed her ass. That pleasure-filled sound shot straight to my cock.

“I need to be inside you.” Throbbing, I walked her into the wall beside her bed. “This dress is sexy.”

With her legs spread apart and wrapped around me, it had bunched around her waist. I could see the wisp of inconsequential silk over her pussy.

Fucking hell.

Desire thundering inside me, I captured her lips and slid my tongue inside her delicious mouth. I dueled my tongue with hers until I heard her whimper, and then I took over. Stroking my tongue deep, then deeper, I showed her how I planned to fuck her.

Liking that, she rocked her hips, dragging the hot and needy part of her over the equally desperate part of me. In danger of going off way too soon, I broke the kiss and let her down. Her curvy front sliding along the hardness of mine elicited a groan.

“I’ll get suited up,” I told her. “Ditch that thong.”

I didn’t ask if she was ready. I’d felt her wet heat, seen the evidence of her desire. She’d soaked the triangle over her pussy and left that wetness on my slacks. Knowing I could get her that ready without even really touching her yet made me feel more desperate to be inside her.

“Okay.” She peeled off her thong and tossed it aside.

I thought about pocketing that sexy memento, but her perfectly trimmed pussy beckoned. Once I had my pants and boxers shoved down to my thighs, I rolled on a condom. Luckily, I had moved one to my pocket. I caught her gaze on my erection. Her eyes were large. I grew achingly larger just from her looking at me.

“You’re so big,” she said on a breath.

“Babe.” I bit back a grin. “You make me crazy. This is going to be fast and hard.” I didn’t have the control to take her any other way. At least, not this first time.

Lifting her by her upper arms, I pinned her to the wall, a portrait for my pleasure, an interactive one.

She wrapped her legs around me and crossed them at the ankles. I swept a thumb through her soaked folds. She shuddered as I positioned my cock, then whimpered as the broad crown teased her swollen clit.

I took her mouth and drove my cock inside her. One swift deep stroke revealed that she was everything I’d imagined, the sultry heat of the tropics and the silkiness of the sea. I didn’t want to just fuck her. I wanted to immerse myself in her, make it so good she would beg for more.

Seeming to want me just as badly, Electra mewed as I pumped my desire into her over and over. She sucked on my tongue. Her tight cunt pulsed around me. In seconds, I went from close to right there, right at the edge.

I groaned, ripping my mouth from hers to warn her.

“I’m close,” she panted.

“I’m going to explode inside you.” I gave her my cock deeper, harder, pounding her against the wall.
