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I don’t know what it means to be his. But I want it more than anything I’ve ever wanted before. All I have to do is take what he’s offering me.

“Yes,” I whisper.

As soon as the words leave my lips, he pushes me onto my back, and his fingers make quick work of my breeches, peeling them down my legs and throwing them to the floor in a soft whoosh of fabric.

Then his lips are on my inner thigh, his tongue swirling over my heated skin and raising goosebumps as he inches closer to my pussy. He pushes my legs wider, hooking them over his shoulders before blowing a warm breath against my core.

I jump, and he chuckles low in his throat. His tongue darts out to drag up the length of my slit, and I lift my hips with a groan. The darkness, the removal of one of my senses, only heightens the pleasure of his touch.

But it's more than it was in the forest under the dancing lights. I don’t know if it’s being in his bedroom surrounded by his scent and his things or the new feelings fluttering behind my ribs, but it's so much more. And I don’t want to miss a second of it.

“Thieran,” I say, his name fading into a breathy moan when he spreads me open with his fingers and flicks his tongue against my clit. “I want to see you. Let me see you.”

I don’t even finish my sentence before candles flame around the room, illuminating his beautiful face between my legs. His eyes are dark and hungry, his lips shiny with my arousal.

Holding my gaze, he leans in closer and wraps his lips around my clit, sucking hard as he slides two fingers inside me, tilting them up to tap against that sensitive spot that makes my thighs tremble and my breath ragged.

“Watch me, little one,” he says when my eyes slip closed as his teeth tighten on my clit. “Watch me make you come undone for me.”

I push onto my elbows at his low command, anticipation and nerves and something unnameable slithering through me when he starts to move his fingers in and out. He watches me as I watch him, eyes never leaving mine as he pumps into me, slowly at first and then faster.

Capturing my lip between my teeth, I can’t help but rock my hips against his thrusts, needing more of him inside me. He again flicks his tongue against my clit, his fingers never relenting in their deep, quick pace.

I groan when he scores my clit with his teeth, my hands fisting in the soft silk coverlet beneath me. I’m mesmerized by him. By the candlelight shining in his impossibly blue eyes. By the way he looks at me as if no one else could ever hold his attention the way I do.

It’s a heady, terrifying feeling to be the center of his attention. The security and the danger of it are all wrapped up in each other, twining around my heart and taking root. Loving Thieran is dangerous, but I couldn’t stop it even if I wanted to.

The Fates were certainly playing a curious game when they sent me stumbling into the Shadow Realm. For the first time in my life, I find myself grateful for their meddling.

When my pussy flutters around Thieran’s fingers, he grins, adding a third and pressing them deep while he uses his other hand to stroke my clit in fast, rough circles.

I want this moment with him to last forever, but Thieran is eager to push me over the edge, working his fingers in and out until I can’t hold back any longer. My orgasm zips down my spine and pools in my center until my pussy clenches around him, and I cry out with my release.

He pulls his fingers free, leaving me aching and empty. But he’s naked and covering my body with his in the center of the bed in a blink. I laugh softly, pressing kisses along the toned plane of his chest and leaning up to nip his chin.

“That’s a much better trick when you’re taking your clothes off instead of putting them on.”

He leans down, capturing my lips as he slides his cock inside me with one languid thrust.

“No. This is better.”

“Yes,” I agree, wrapping my legs around his waist and pulling him deeper. “Thieran,” I groan when he does nothing more than grind his pelvis against my clit and make me shiver.

“Yes, little one?”

“Stop teasing and fuck me.”

He pulls his hips back, sliding nearly all the way out, and then slams home again, stealing my breath.

“Is that what you need?”

I nod, unable to speak as he does it again and again, driving his cock into me until I can feel nothing but him as he fills me, the sensation of how deep he’s fucking me casting stars across my vision.

Canting his head, he drags his teeth over the underside of my jaw, his hips setting a frantic pace, every part of my body on fire from his touch. An orgasm builds low in my belly, my nails scoring Thieran’s back. I arch up to meet his thrusts, teetering on the edge of release until his words push me over.

“Give me what I want. Now, Elora.”

My release is all-consuming, blinding, and I squeeze his cock tightly as he shoves deep and empties himself inside me.
