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“Someone’s in a mood,” she says, her voice soft and breathy.

I brace my hands on either side of her head, leaning down to trail the tip of my nose across the line of her jaw all the way to her ear, pressing my lips against it and making her shiver.

“You have no idea.”

“Is there…”

Her words trail off when I trace the shell of her ear with my tongue, capturing her earlobe between my teeth.

“What was that?”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

I pull back and look into her eyes, darkened to emeralds. Her cheeks are flushed a soft pink, and I imagine the rest of her is as well. I suddenly have the overwhelming urge to spend the night with her. To have her in my bed naked and begging until we’re both satisfied.

The idea consumes me until I can think of nothing else. Until I want to think of nothing else but Elora writhing underneath me, taking my cock and demanding more.

Looping my arm around her waist, I haul her up against my chest and murmur against her lips, “You want to help, little one?”

She nods, her eyes locked on mine, her warm breath fanning my skin.

“Good girl. Let me show you how.”

And with that, we disappear.

Chapter Thirty-Four

We arrive in what I assume is Thieran’s bedroom, a large four-poster bed looming at his back. It’s draped in black silk and piled with a mountain of pillows. It manages to look both inviting and intimidating all at once, and my mouth goes dry.

Thieran’s lips are hot on my skin, trailing down my neck and across my shoulder where he’s pulled my tunic out of the way. His hands skim up my sides and tug at the laces of my corset, loosening it enough to slide his hands underneath.

A small gasp escapes me when he brushes his thumbs over my nipples, and when I lean into him, I feel his lips curve against my shoulder. But there’s something about being here with him. In his personal space. Behind closed doors where we’re sure not to be interrupted. Where there’s nothing but time to explore each other…

“We don’t do beds.”

He spins me to face him, urging me to lift my arms over my head so he can pull off my corset, tossing it behind him. My tunic is next, and his eyes are hungry, his touch greedy as he peels it off and cups my breasts, tracing circles around my nipples, already hard and aching for him.

“We haven’t done beds. Yet,” he corrects.

Dipping his head, he presses a lingering kiss to the top of my breast and then all around my nipple until I’m panting with desperation. He knows what he’s doing. I can tell by the teasing curve of his mouth as he continues to kiss me anywhere but where I really want him to, where I need him to.

Threading my hands in his hair, I try to guide him to my nipple. I need him to relieve the ache he’s building inside me, but instead he lifts me up and carries me to the edge of the bed. Setting me down gently, he slides off the bright red robe and lets it fall to the floor.

It's an unsightly color, contrasting the shades of black adorning his room. Everything from the candles in shiny silver sconces to the smooth, hand-carved wood of his bed is black. And as night descends in the Shadow Realm, taking all the light with it, I find myself more at home in this room than I would expect to be.

When the last of the light disappears from view, we’re left in pitch black. And only then, only when I can’t anticipate his movements, does he take my nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it before closing his teeth over it, squeezing until my back arches and my breath catches in my throat.

“Are you going to give me what I want, little one?” he murmurs against my skin.

I open my mouth to respond, barely catching myself before I promise more than I can give. I want to tell him I’ll give him anything he wants as long as he keeps touching me.

But I can’t tell him that. It’s too intimate. My heart is in danger of falling already, and this is hardly helping.

“What do you want?” I ask instead.

“You. I want all of you.” He kisses between the valley of my breasts, and my heartbeat quickens. “You belong to me.”

The words are so softly spoken I think I must have imagined them. I’ve never belonged anywhere, to anyone. I didn’t think I deserved to. But Thieran makes me believe I could.
