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He dips his head for a taste, swirling his tongue over the bud he’s made swollen and sensitive. The first contact makes me groan. The second has my hands fisting in his hair, holding him against me.

“Desperate for me, are you, little one?”

I don’t speak. I can’t. And even if I could, my voice would betray me. How right he is. How much I crave him. I try never to give Thieran the upper hand if I can help it. I’m sure I’m failing miserably.

When his teeth close around my nipple again, I squeeze my eyes shut tight enough that light blooms across my vision. The pain and pleasure race to my core. But the light flashes again, and I open my eyes just as Thieran drops to his knees and reaches for my hand, lacing our fingers together.

Above us, the sky is open. We’re not in the forest, as I suspected, but in an open field blanketed with snow. My breath leaves my lips in little white puffs. I should be freezing, but my body is on fire, either from need or Thieran’s power or both.

“What is this place?” I wonder, sighing when Thieran tugs me to my knees and eases me onto my back, covering my body with his.

“The southernmost point of the Shadow Realm.”

He leans down to capture my mouth, teeth digging into the flesh of my lower lip until I squirm against him. Pulling back with a grin, he kisses his way down my chest, flicking each of my nipples with the tip of his tongue just to make me arch and groan.

“Eyes on the sky, little one,” he commands as his hand smooths up my inner thigh, taking my dress with it.

I feel his breath against my pussy, but before I can tease him into giving me more, color explodes across the inky black of the sky, and my words are lost to wonder. It dances in ribbons, vibrant greens and pinks and yellows.

Thieran drags the flat of his tongue over my pussy, and my hips jerk, rocking up to seek more. The lights illuminate his face, and the way he looks at me makes my heart pound.

He’s beautiful, all sharp angles and eyes so blue they almost glow in the dark. He keeps his gaze on mine as he again extends his tongue and gives my pussy one long, lazy lick.

I can’t stop watching him, not as he spreads me open with two fingers and swirls his tongue over my clit, not as he slips one finger, then two, then three inside me and pushes them deep, his tongue still pressing against my clit before he sucks it between his lips.

He holds my gaze through all of it, the bright beams dancing across his face, light and shadows playing over his features.

“Do you remember what you promised me in the library?” he asks, pulling his fingers out and shoving them roughly back in, smiling when a low groan escapes me.

“I do,” I pant, writhing as his fingers quicken, roughly fucking me until my thighs quiver and my hands dig into the snow cushioning our bodies. “But I promised to scream on your cock. Not your fingers.”

He grins, raising a brow as he shifts his hand to press his thumb against my clit and resumes his brutal pace. Even with his fingers filling me so well, I ache for his cock.

“I want both.” He settles his body over my mine, leaning down to trace my bottom lip with his tongue. “And you’re going to give it to me.”

“And if I don’t?”

My voice is breathy, hips arching up to meet a particularly deep thrust as my pussy clenches down around him.

“Then I’ll fuck you until you do.”

The threat makes my pulse pound and my pussy flutter, and he grins, working me faster, edging me closer to release.

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to use this perfect little pussy until I’m satisfied, until you can’t move without thinking about my cock buried inside you.”

“Fuck you,” I manage to grind out, my hips meeting the thrust of his fingers in frantic jerks.

“I will,” he promises. “As soon as you come all over my fingers screaming my name.”

I don’t want to. Ignoring Thieran’s commands is as much a part of the pleasure of fucking him as anything else. But so is giving in to them. Something else I can’t reconcile when it comes to this unnamable thing between us.

He must be able to see it on my face. How close I am. How hard I’m fighting to not give him what he wants. His fingers shove deep, and he grinds his palm against my clit until I have no choice but to give over to the very thing he wants to claim from me.

Back bowing, throat tight with the force of the orgasm racing down my spine and pooling in my center, I fist the fabric of his robes and scream just the way he wants me to, the sound of it carrying on the wind.

“That’s it,” he groans, pulling his fingers free and dancing them over my clit before shedding his robes. “That’s what we both need.”

The lights illuminate the hard plane of his chest as he strips off his tunic and works open the tie to his breeches. Still catching my breath, I reach up to trace the outline of his abs, making his stomach muscles contract. I think I could look at him every day and not tire of it.
