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Dania smiles and inclines her head. “And blackberry, my lady.”

The woman moves away, and more people come to take her place, greeting Elora with a familiarity that surprises me. I didn’t realize she’d spent enough time in Videva for people to know her so well or for her to know them.

There’s something about it that tugs at me. Even though I’ve kept my distance these many years, I like that she has taken the time to get to know my people. That they seem to like her as much as they do.

When the last person leaves, she sags back against me, sighing when I trail my fingers down her arm and capture her hand in mine.

“I didn’t realize you were so friendly with the souls in Videva.”

“I ride Meera into the village sometimes. She likes the attention, and it’s a nice change of scenery. They’ve been very kind to me.”

I bend down to whisper in her ear. “As they should be.”

She smiles, leaning into me even more. Someone adds taller tree limbs to the bonfire, and the flames dance higher, sending off a wave of heat and a rush of sparks.

Slipping my hand around her waist, I flatten my palm against her stomach and pull her body flush with mine. She tilts her head to look up at me, the firelight shimmering in her eyes.

“Careful, my lord. There’s quite the crowd.”

“There doesn’t have to be. We can be anywhere in the blink of an eye.”

She captures her bottom lip between her teeth, glancing at the people dancing and laughing, chatting and wandering. When she looks back at me, desire is written clearly on her face.

“It would be rude to leave so early.”

I lean down until our lips are barely touching. “I don’t care.”

She closes the distance between us, her lips on mine in an urgent kiss. And before she can protest, I shift us away from the festivities.

Chapter Thirty

When the air stops swirling, it takes me a moment to realize we’ve landed somewhere other than the palace. Thieran tilts his head and drags his teeth over my jaw, his breath hot on my neck.

I can’t see him in the pitch black that is night in the Shadow Realm, but I feel him acutely. Every brush of his lips over my skin, the warm, heavy weight of his hand on my stomach, the press of his body against mine.

It’s disorienting and enthralling all at once.

His fingers tug at the laces of my gown, and I spin in his arms, sliding my hands up his chest and linking my fingers around his neck.

“Where are we?”

“Just wait,” he murmurs, his breath moving the hair at my temple.

His hands skim around my waist to my lower back, and he makes quick work of my laces, deftly undoing them until my dress loosens enough for him to pull it down my arms.

I feel his lips press against my shoulder, and I wonder if he can see in the dark in a way I cannot. If he’s brought me here—wherever here is—to give himself the upper hand. Or perhaps he’s keeping the promise he made to me in the library. That the next time he had me, he wanted me screaming when I came on his cock.

I shudder at the memory, my pussy clenching at the thought, and feel his lips curve against my skin. He’s thinking the same. I know he is.

“Thieran,” I whisper, breath snagging on a soft sigh when his tongue traces along the curved line of my corset.

“Any minute now,” he assures me, quickly dragging my dress down until it pools at my waist and loosening my corset.

The moment I’m free of it, his mouth finds my nipple, his teeth closing around it and tightening until I’m gasping from the pain and pleasure of it. There’s something exhilarating about not being able to see him, anticipating his touch. I’m at his mercy in the dark, and heat pools in my core at the realization.

He reaches up to cup my breast, drawing circles around my nipple without touching it. I’ve discovered I like when Thieran teases me, even though I’d rather cut out my own tongue than admit it to him.

The frustration of waiting for him to move his fingers or teeth or tongue right where I want them never fails to pile up into a needy pain, a desperate wanting only he can ease. It’s a pain that blooms bright with pleasure when he finally, blissfully, drags his thumb over my nipple, making me gasp.
