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The thought catches me off guard, and I’m instantly grateful I didn’t say it out loud. I don’t have days with him. I have hours. Because leaving here is the right thing to do. I shouldn’t want to stay. I don’t want to stay.

I’m just caught up in the moment. In the weight of him as he settles his body over mine and the brush of his cock against my too-sensitive clit and the way the light skipping and twirling above us makes him look as ethereal and powerful as he is.

“Ready to scream for me again?”

He notches his cock at my entrance, and I roll my eyes even as I drag my fingernails down his chest and dig them into his hips, urging him forward as much as holding him in place.

“Your arrogance is really—”

He slams his cock inside me, and my words fade into a gasp and then a needy groan as he grinds deep.

“What was that?”

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I squeeze the length of his cock buried inside me, grinning when he drops his forehead to my breast with a groan.

“Shut up and fuck me, Thieran.”

I expect him to hesitate, to remind me he’ll use me as he pleases, but he doesn’t, rearing his hips back and plunging into me again and again. With each powerful thrust, his pelvis grinds against my clit until I see stars.

He’s ruined me. It’s all I can think as he takes what he wants from my body, his head turning to capture my nipple between his lips, and gives me what I need. I didn’t expect to enjoy it this much. And I want to savor it before leaving it behind forever.

The lights flash from green and blue to pink and purple, and I slide my hands up Thieran’s broad back and into his hair, wrapping it around my fingers and bringing his mouth to mine. He groans against my lips when I nip his tongue roughly, his fingers replacing his lips on my nipple, squeezing and twisting.

I want to sear him into my memory as much as I want to forget him when this is all over. Whatever happens, I should have known from the start it would be impossible to forget the God of Death.

He pulls away from me, capturing my bottom lip in his teeth before sitting up and shifting me on his cock, hooking his arms under my thighs to hold me in place as he pounds me relentlessly.

His eyes are locked on where we’re joined, his cock driving into me with each urgent thrust of his hips. Another orgasm builds, tingling along my skin until I can barely breathe.

“You take my cock so well,” he growls, burying it inside me again. “Every fucking inch.”

I whimper, and his gaze snaps to mine, his hand shooting out to cover my clit, strumming it in time with his sharp thrusts.

“That’s it, little one. Come all over me. Take what you need. Give me what I want.”

I couldn’t stop it if I tried. The inevitable crash of my orgasm, the groan my clenching pussy draws from Thieran’s throat as he slams into me, his fingers never stilling on my sensitive and swollen clit.

“That was perfect,” he praises, covering his body with mine, giving me his weight while his hips resume his brutal pace and push me higher before I’ve even had time to come down. “I want one more.”

“Thieran. I-I can’t.”

“You will.”

His voice is a growl, low and commanding, and every part of me, a part I didn’t think existed before Thieran, screams to obey. The things he does to me scare me, but it doesn’t stop the wanting.


It’s a warning and a promise. And I won’t deny him. I can’t. My body is too on edge, a bowstring pulled taut by an expert marksman.

“Now,” Thieran whispers into my ear, voice hoarse, and I give over to it, to him, wrapping myself around him as my orgasm blinds me and he thrusts deep, finding his own release.

“Good girl,” he murmurs, lips brushing the shell of my ear and making me shiver.

Rolling onto his back in the snow beside me, he reaches for my hand, linking our fingers together and bringing my hand to his mouth for a kiss. My stomach clenches at the sweet intimacy of it, and I distract myself by rearranging my skirts around my legs, brushing at the snow clinging to my skin without melting.

“Why aren’t we freezing?”

I hear the grin in Thieran’s voice when he replies. “Magick. Do you like the lights?” he asks after a beat.
