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“We’ll have to try those next time.”

“Finished already?” I give her hair a tug, and she looks down at me, eyebrow raised.

“Are you?”

“I’ll never be finished with you.”

I can tell my words surprise her as much as they surprise me, but I realize them for the truth. Just another complicated layer to add to everything I’m already dealing with.

“Thieran,” she says, drawing my attention to her mouth and the way her lips are swollen from my kiss.

“Hmm?” I murmur, pressing my lips to her nipple and making her twitch.

“Stop teasing me.”

I look at her then, the lust and desperation written on her face. She wants more, and I want to give it to her.

“What do you need from me, little one?”

I shift her down in anticipation of her answer, my cock brushing against her slit, and she bites her lip.

“I need.” She sighs, rocking her hips more urgently now. “You know what I need.”

I do. But I want her to say it.

“Tell me,” I say, voice low and thick with the same desperate want. “Tell me what you need.”

“I need…”

Her words trail off as I graze against her clit, still sensitive from her first orgasm,

“Thieran.” Her words are rough, demanding. “Please.”

I’ve never heard Elora beg before. I like it, and I reward her by notching my cock at her entrance and tugging her forward by her hips, burying myself to the hilt in a single thrust.

“Fuck,” she mutters, groaning when I hook my arms under her thighs and slide out, then back in.

“You’re going to come for me again.”

“Yes,” she agrees, nails scoring my back as I pick up the pace, slamming into her over and over, eager to feel her pulse around me a second time.

“You feel so good when you squeeze my cock.”

Her only response is a breathy moan as I thrust into her harder, more urgently. The water swirls around our bodies, my feet digging into the soft sand beneath us.

At the first fluttering signs of her orgasm, I increase my pace, my pelvis grinding against her clit with each brutal thrust of my hips. When her back arches, I dip my head for a taste of her nipple, salty and warm, caressing it with my tongue and nipping it with my teeth.

Closing my teeth around it, I tug it away from her body until it slips free and her breast bounces back against her chest. And with my cock moving relentlessly inside her, her back bowing, her hips jerking under my fingers, she comes undone around me, and I follow her over the edge.

She clings to me, the waves buffeting our bodies, her breaths cool and fast on my neck. I have the sudden urge to stay like this forever. But we have to leave sometime. And Elora seems to sense it too, with the way her body shifts against mine, her arms tightening around my neck and then releasing.

I carry her to the beach and set her down beside her clothes. After running my hands over her from head to waist, she’s instantly dry, and she gives a wry laugh.

“That’s very handy. I don’t suppose you could…” She gestures to her clothes strewn about the beach.

With a grin and a snap of my fingers, she’s dressed again, her hair blowing in the breeze, and already I’m missing the gentle curves of her body hidden beneath the fabric.

She laughs, twisting her hair into its usual braid and securing it with a thin leather tie while I dress.
