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“Ready?” I hold my hand out to her, and she lays her fingers in my palm, lacing them together.

“Let’s go home.”

She doesn’t realize what she’s said, but I do. And the words warm me through to my bones. Whatever I have to do, whoever I have to sacrifice, I will find a way to heal the Shadow Realm without Elora’s blood.

Because there’s not a force in existence that could convince me to give her up.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


I focus on Kaia, seated across from me at the table, and the look on her face tells me she’s called my name more than once. I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m distracted today. I checked the shielding potion before coming down to eat, and it’s ready.

Just as the instructions said, the yellow concoction has changed to a vibrant green. And when I gave the jar a rough shake after digging it out of the back of my wardrobe, streaks of blue and white appeared. All that’s left now is to test it. As soon as I figure out how.

I don’t really know how or when Thieran searches for me. And I can hardly ask him to do it after going through the steps of the ritual. Which means I’ll probably need to do something that would naturally draw him to my side. Like hurt myself.

I don’t relish the idea of intentionally injuring myself, but it’s the surest and fastest way to test my theory without raising Thieran’s suspicions. If it works, I’m free.

And if that thought fills me with a sense of dread instead of hope, it’s only because I’m afraid of getting caught and dragged back here again. Nothing more.

Kaia clears her throat, and I fix her with an apologetic look.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I didn’t sleep well last night, and I’m having trouble focusing today.”

It’s not entirely a lie. I did toss and turn last night, eyeing the wardrobe in the dark and unable to sleep for knowing what the potion being fully cured actually means.

Things have been different with Thieran since we returned from the island, and I don’t really know what to make of them. We seem to be in an entirely different place than we were before. And I’m not sure I dislike it either. Both of those things leave me unsettled more than anything else.

“Perhaps you should have a rest before going for a ride today.” Kaia’s brow furrows with concern. “Unless you think you’re coming down with something. I could fetch a healer from the village.”

“No, no. I’m fine,” I assure her. “Just a night full of bad dreams. I’ll be all right after a good night’s rest. What were you saying earlier? About the ball?”

Kaia waves a hand in the air as the servants come to clear the main course and lay down a tray of delicate pastries, including my favorite lemon tarts.

“It’s not important. I don’t want to bore you.”

“You aren’t. Honestly. I want to hear about it.”

And I’m surprised by how much I do. How easy a friendship with Kaia has been, even though I am woefully unskilled at it. I haven’t stayed in one place this long since my time in Tura.

“You’ve heard of the winter ball in Fontoss?”

I nod. I’d picked pockets there once on the day of the ball. Lots of demis and gods and favored mortals decked out in their finest silks and furs and jewels. The mortals never missed a bit extra gone from their pockets.

But after nearly getting caught by a demigod—a son of the God of Fire—I’d moved on to other pursuits, continuing north and settling on the border between high court lands and the Goddess of the Harvest’s territory. By the time I’d reached Tura, I was tired of stealing to keep food in my belly and turned to honest work instead.

It ended up being both a blessing and a curse.

“Thieran used to hold a grand ball every year for the dark court,” Kaia says, pulling the corner off a chocolate-stuffed bread and popping it into her mouth. “Soon after the realm was created.”

“Did he?”

I try to picture the God of Death dressed in all his finery, celebrating with his court. It’s impossible to conjure the image of him dancing, laughing, enjoying the company of others.

“Yes.” Kaia nods, then sighs. “They were lavish, beautiful. I miss them.”

“Why did he stop?” I ask, forking up a bite of lemon tart and relishing in the bright burst of citrus on my tongue.
