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Her nipple hardens in response, and I swipe my thumb over it, making the breath catch in the back of her throat. I do it again just to watch her throat constrict with the effort of swallowing and then lean in and press a kiss to it.

She jerks on the water's surface but continues floating, her eyes still closed, hands moving gently back and forth to keep her in place. A wasted effort since I never want to let her go.

Another gull calls, and she opens her eyes, watching the bird wing out from the shore and back in, riding the breeze. When she finally looks at me, her gaze is full of want and need. A thousand things she wants to say but can’t. Or won’t.

Dropping her legs, she mirrors my pose, floating in the water with nothing but her head and shoulders exposed. Droplets run down over her temple and cheeks, dripping off her jaw, and I give in to the urge to capture them with my lips.

As soon as my mouth makes contact with her skin, her arms are around me, her fingernails drawing long scratches down my neck and across my shoulders. Usually when she pushes, I give her whatever she wants. Hard, rough, fast. A quick fuck wherever we happen to find ourselves across the palace.

But I want something different from her today. Snaking my arm around her middle, I draw her in close and hook her legs around my waist, lifting her out of the water enough that I can wrap my lips around her nipple.

She groans, dropping her head back when I drag the flat of my tongue against it, and I grin. I trace around it in slow, teasing circles until she’s panting with need, desperate for me to make contact again. Instead, I pull back and blow a cool breath across it, her fingernails digging into my shoulders when I do.

Kissing across the valley of her breasts, I show the other nipple the same attention. I never get her with all her clothes off, and I enjoy how her body responds to this new way of touching her.

“Thieran,” she groans when I blow another cool breath against her nipple, arching her back and rocking her hips.

I like how she says my name, throaty and full of desire. Finally, I give in to what she wants, what she’s begging for, without saying a word, and latch onto her nipple. Dragging my tongue against it, then flicking it roughly back and forth.

“Fuck,” she gasps, arching into my mouth, her fingers tightening in my hair.

“More?” I ask, teeth hovering around her nipple.

She looks down at me, pausing a beat before nodding. “More.”

The second I bite down, her jaw clenches, and she slowly begins to vibrate in my arms as I increase the pressure until she’s writhing against me.

She tries to adjust herself down my body, rocking her hips against my abs, and I give her what she wants, slipping a hand between us and finding her clit with the tip of my fingers.

“Yes,” she hisses through clenched teeth.

I tease her clit the way I did her nipple, circling around it without applying too much pressure. Her whimpers are music to my ears as she squirms and twitches in my grip.

Elora’s mouth opens, but whatever she’s about to say is swallowed by a moan as I plunge my fingers inside her, shoving them deep and grinding my palm against her clit.

Her nails bite into my shoulders, the salt water stinging as she breaks the skin. I like the pain and pleasure I get from Elora in equal measure, and I speed up the movement of my fingers. She grinds and rocks against them, her pussy clenching as I increase the pressure against her clit.

I love to watch her face when she comes for me, love to hear her scream my name.

“Are you going to come for me, Elora?”

“Yes.” She shudders when I press harder against her clit. “Don’t stop.”

I grin. Not a damn thing on this earth could stop me from pushing her closer and closer to her release, from watching her tumble over the edge.

“Good girl,” I whisper. “You’re so close. Come for me, little one.”

I shove my fingers deep when I feel her body go taut, and she throws her head back, my name a scream on her lips as her pussy flutters and spasms.

Leaning in, I kiss across the column of her throat to her jaw, nipping it with my teeth before capturing her lips. Her tongue instantly darts out to battle with mine, her hips subtly rocking against me, each graze of my finger over her clit making her shudder.

“I’ve never had sex in the sea before,” she whispers against my lips.

“Neither have I.”

She chuckles, sighing as I latch onto her bottom lip and pull back, slowly letting it slip through my teeth.

“I think you’d like the hot springs.”
