Page 14 of Mistletoe Kisses

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I had always been a thong man but seeing her in these shorts that cupped her ass cheeks. Fuck me, she looked like my own wet dream come to life. I pulled her closer to me and kissed her stomach over her belly button.

“That tickles.” She trailed her hand through the top of my hair before resting it at the back.

I grabbed the back of my t-shirt and quickly pulled it up, revealing my upper body to her. I loved the way that her eyes travelled over my chest before moving to the tattoos on my arms.

“Come here,” I whispered. I placed my hands on the back of her thighs, the tips of my fingers gently touching the curves of her delectable ass cheeks and pulled her closer.

She quickly took the hint and placed her knee to the side of me, climbing astride me.

“Like that?” she asked. The action brought her cleavage level with my face. She settled her ass down in the gap between my parted legs before placing her hands on either side of my neck. “Don’t drop me,” she whispered. “I don’t want to fall.”

I stared up at her, getting the sense that she was talking about something else. Was she trying to tell me that she didn’t want to fall? That this was just a one-time thing and that falling wasn’t even an option?

“I think I’d like to fall with you,” I whispered.

Being honest with a woman was never something that I usually did but I had wanted this woman for far too long. I’m not saying I wanted forever but I was happy to take a little longer than just one night.

“I don’t believe in Prince Charming, Jack.” She shook her head and it made me want to kick my own fucking ass at how defeated she looked. “I never took you as a forever guy.” She brought her face closer to mine. “Don’t change for me, okay?” She stared into my eyes, waiting for me.

“Okay,” I whispered. I really didn’t know how to fucking reply to that. I didn’t expect her to fall at my feet but I also didn’t expect her to say that.

She pressed her lips to mine before pushing me back, making me lose all thought and reason. When she was on top of me like this, my body took complete control.

I grabbed her around the waist and rolled us over before crawling up the bed, chuckling when she clung to me, her arms and legs wrapping around me, bringing her body flush against mine. I collapsed down against her, chuckling when her hands immediately went down to my belt buckle.

“Eager, are we?” I asked.

“Yes.” She quickly undoes my belt buckle and pops open the button on my jeans. “Off. Now,” she ordered.

“You’re sexy when you order me around.” I climbed off the bed, kicking my shoes off before standing up and undoing the zip. I groaned when she slipped her fingers beneath the elastic of her underwear and began sliding them down her sexy as silk legs. “Ah, fuck.” I quickly grabbed a condom out of my pocket and shoved my jeans down my legs before kicking them off to the side.

She kneeled up on the bed, unclasped her bra and tossed it at me with a wicked smile on her face.

“I never knew you were so dominating in the bedroom.” I loved teasing her as that beautiful blush never failed to disappoint me.

“What can I say? I’m a naughty elf.” She reached out and pulled me toward her before collapsing back down on the mattress. I tossed the condom next to us, loving the sight of her beneath me.

“Maybe you and Santa need to have a performance review.” I wiggled my eyebrows at her again, loving the laugh that escaped her.

“I think that could be beneficial,” she whispered in a sexy tone. “I am sure there’s a lot that Santa could teach me about where I’m going wrong.” As she said this, she moved her hand down between us and grasped my cock, giving me a few pumps.

“I think my naughty elf is teaching me a few things,” I gritted out. I moved my hand down and pushed two fingers into her, fucking loving how wet and warm she felt.

She moaned when I thrust my fingers inside of her, arching her back. This brought my attention to her tits that were begging for my mouth.

I dipped my head and sucked one of her nipples into my mouth, chuckling when she rocked her hips against my hand. Her hand dug into the back of my hair, holding me against her breast, obviously loving my mouth on her.

I could feel her begin to tighten around my fingers, so I quickly pulled them out and leaned back, kneeling in between her legs.

“Where are you going?” She had a sexy pout on her face and I knew that she had well and truly screwed my entire fucking world up. “I was almost . . .”

“I know.” I grabbed the condom next to her head and quickly tore it open before sheathing it over my cock. “I want to be inside of you when you come.”

“Do you only have one . . .?” She looked down at the condom in my hand, obviously disappointed at the idea.

“Only one with me.” I pumped my cock a few times before I grasped myself and lined my cock up with her entrance. “One time with you is nowhere near enough, Faith.”

She looked up at me surprised.
